Send Me A Sign | Prinxiety

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summary: before they helped logan and patton, roman and virgil had their own story of how they met.

word count: 277

italicized sentences are sign :)

tw// none :))


Roman looked up at the quiet boy in his art class. Roman didn't know why this particular boy caught his eye but he did. He always wore his headphones and sat in the back of the classroom, certainly not a point of interest. But to Roman, he was a mystery yet to be discovered, what was his story? What secrets did he hold? He never really talked to anyone, why was that?

Roman sighed and looked down at his paper, he huffed frustratedly at it. The assignment was to sketch a famous sculpture to the best of his abilities; unfortunately this was the third time this week he'd gotten distracted and ended up drawing Virgil. Personally, Roman felt ridiculous. Why couldn't he just talk to the boy? He'd never talked to the boy before but surely he wasn't ableist, right?

A hand appeared on his desk, his teacher was signaling that the bell had rung. Roman nodded and packed his stuff up. Virgil was barely leaving as well, perfect timing. The princely boy let out a breath and nervously made his way to the boy. He tapped his shoulder and awkwardly waited for Virgil to turn around.

"Hi, I'm Roman." Roman tried his best to speak as he signed, his voice was really scratchy but not terrible. Virgil seemed shocked, as most people do when they find out Roman wasn't "normal". "I'm Virgil. Why are you talking to me?" Now it was Roman's turn to be shocked. Virgil knew sign, maybe they could be great friends. He smiled and shrugged, "Why not?" "No one talks to me." Roman smiled even wider. "I guess I'm no one then."


i promise there is more, i know it's short, but i wanted the second half to be it's own part :)) i hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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