Mending A Broken Soul | Platonic Moxiety

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summary: virgil introduces patton to his coping mechanism to deal with anger and any negative emotions.

word count: 603

i want to get enough money in the future to get a therapist that will let me use this technique in their office, i want to just be in a demolition place and just break things while we talk about my issues, that sounds amazing :D

tw/cw// breaking glass, mentions of s*xual assault (on a minor), some cussing, a lil bit of crying, sad virgil and patton ://


Patton pulled his sweater tightly around his body, shivering in the chilly winter's air. He'd gotten worried about Virgil when he hadn't been home before his usual time; especially since before Virgil left, Patton had noticed the boy looked sick and very upset about something. He texted the boy and received a message from him soon after asking him to meet the emo boy on the rooftop of an abandoned building that was down the street from their apartment. Patton closed the door to the roof behind him and flinched once he heard glass colliding with the concrete rooftop.

He walked a bit faster towards the crashing sounds, confused when he saw Virgil smashing various glass items onto the roof below him. "Virgil? Are you okay?" Virgil looked up at his friend and smiled. "Yeah, my therapist showed me this way of kind of expressing my anger and anxiety. It's kind of fun, you wanna join me? Maybe let go of something you've been holding in?"

Patton almost let everything spill right then before he caught himself. He cleared his throat and smiled, "You look happier than the last time I saw you." Virgil smiled awkwardly, "Yeah, well, it's a disguise." He sang the last part with jazz hands. Patton frowned a bit, a sad smile stayed on Virgil's face as he stared down at a glass plate he'd gotten from the cardboard box behind him. "You don't have to worry about it though, it's just my usual angsty bullshit."

Virgil slammed the plate into the concrete below him. Patton flinched a bit but ignored it. "If it's enough to upset you then it's perfectly valid. But you don't have to talk about it." Virgil nodded appreciatively then gestured to the box of glass items behind him, "So, you wanna join?" Patton glanced at the box behind Virgil then stared at his feet, deciding to tell Virgil what he'd been holding in for so long.

"When I was in middle school, my parents' friends liked to come over a lot. There was this one man, fourteen years older than me. My parents thought it was weird that such a young man was interested in being friends with them but they didn't question it since they'd known him since he was in high school, he was one of my dad's students. He..." Patton took in a shaky breath. "He liked to show me new things, things I'd never seen or done before. I think you get what I'm trying to say." Virgil grabbed a large vase, handing it to Patton gently. "It's okay, Pat. I understand, let it out. If you want, imagine the vase or the ground is his face."

Patton took the vase, gripping it tightly as his anger grew, imagining the man's face. Tears gathered in his eyes and he roughly slammed the vase onto the rooftop. He took a deep breath and let out a weak chuckle. "You're right, that felt good."

Virgil smiled and handed Patton a large mug, holding a bowl for himself. For about an hour, Virgil and Patton smashed items without sharing any words. Once they ran out of objects, they shared a look and let out a few soft laughs. Virgil pulled Patton into a gentle hug. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. You didn't deserve it and I'm honored to trusted me enough to tell me." Patton smiled into the hug but didn't say anything, he instead focused on the warmth spreading through his body. He wasn't as tense as he'd been for the past ten years of his life, everything seemed...okay.


imagine having to clean up all of the broken glass afterwards like 👁👄👁 anywho, i hope y'all are having a good day :)) hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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