Played With Your Heart | Prinxiety

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summary: roman is known to be a player; he's constantly been dared to date girls then break their hearts without consequence. he's dared to date and hurt his crush, virgil black, but maybe this will finally be the end of his heart-breaking streak.

word count: 1059

this is based on the tiktok by @//noahjaywood (and a lil bit based on robot by @ringpopprince (who i'm trying to tag, but it's not working for some reason sjdhfikj)) unsympathetic virgil, my beloved 🥺💜💜

tw/cw// mean friends, unsympathetic virgil/roman, crying, sadness, sad roman


"Roman, I dare you to..." Roman's friend, Mike, trailed off as he scanned the classroom, trying to think of a dare. Playing truth or dare wasn't Roman's favorite pastime, but it was effective.

Mike's eyes gleamed with mischief as they landed on an unpopular, friendless boy in the corner. "I dare you to ask him out and date him for as long as possible." The other boys at the table laughed and 'ooh'ed sarcastically. Roman turned to look at the boy, face flushing when he realized it was Virgil Black.

This wasn't the first time he'd been dared to date someone then break their heart. There was a long list of girls that Roman wished he could take the traumatic experience from. But this was the first time he'd been dared to date a boy, a boy he had a crush on, a boy that could unwittingly out Roman simply by existing.

Roman nervously chuckled and turned back to his friends. "A-Are you sure? What if people think I'm gay? And we don't even know if he's gay." Mike smirked evilly. "Dude, we know he's gay. He constantly rubs it in our faces every day."

Roman didn't have to glance at Virgil to know Mike was talking about his rainbow pin. 'That isn't even rubbing it in; it's just one pin.' Roman thought angrily.

"Besides, no one will think you're gay because you'll be dating secretly. Just act natural and don't let him know what you're doing." Roman nodded with a grin despite the uncomfortable churn in his stomach.


Roman approached Virgil after school, forcing himself not to walk away immediately since his "friends" were watching him from afar. The boy was leaning against a tree, idly listening to his music. Roman nearly forgot about what he was about to do and instead focused on how beautiful the emo looked.

Once he'd come to a stop, Virgil noticed him, taking off his headphones to give him his full attention. "I-I'm Roman. You might've seen me around. I just came over here because I wanted to ask if you'd like to be my boyfriend?" Virgil had a confused look on his face, seemingly trying to process what he'd just been told. "Why me? I thought you were straight."

Roman sighed and winced, deciding to tell Virgil the truth. "I was forced to ask those girls out. I'm" He whispered the last word, still nervous about coming out. Virgil looked at him sympathetically. "Okay, I'll give this a try. Do you want to go on a date first? Maybe Saturday?" Roman, although aware he was doing this as a dare and Virgil probably only agreed because he felt bad, allowed himself to smile brightly. He chose to ignore the dare and imagine, just for a second, that he'd asked Virgil out himself, and the emo agreed.


After dating for a month and a half, Roman couldn't have asked for better. Virgil understood him, and it was so easy to talk to him, even going so far as to confess to him that his friends and family didn't honestly know he was gay. The only thing Roman didn't tell him was that their relationship started as a prank; he was hoping that lie wouldn't be brought up any time soon. His friends hadn't bothered to bring it up, so he figured he might be able to get away with it.

Roman had no such luck.

"Okay, so, we thought that we could hide out somewhere, you get him to tell you that he loves you, and that's when you break up with him. Then it'll be the end of the joke, he'll probably cry or something, and you can go back to normal." Roman wanted to protest, but he knew anything that wasn't an agreement would look suspicious on his part, so he kept his mouth shut and nodded along.

Later in the day, Roman met up with Virgil by a nearby park, explaining the whole prank situation during lunch so he wouldn't hurt Virgil too much. The park was flooded with trees and bushes, and it was dark enough outside, easily hiding Roman's friends. Virgil hugged Roman as the latter kissed him on the cheek. They pulled back, Roman easily basking in the other's company before the prank would come to an end.

"I love you," Virgil whispered. Roman heard rustling and whispering; he assumed it was his friends, and he hoped Virgil wouldn't notice. " me?" He wanted to say it back, but as he heard his friends snickering, he knew this was the moment he had to put on an act. He forced a laugh, and his friends came out of their hiding spots. "Sucks to be you then, doesn't it?" Roman said with a pained smile. He was usually good at hiding his feelings, but right now, in front of Virgil, that felt impossible.

Their laughter didn't last long, however, as Virgil smirked evilly. "Oh, honey, is it me? Or is it you?" He showed Roman his phone; the screen showed that Virgil had publicly shared a compilation of all the things Roman had told him in private. Clips of him confessing that he'd done things in the past to break girls' hearts, that he was gay, that he didn't care for his friends, that he'd genuinely fallen for Virgil. The clip in which he told Virgil about what was going to happen that night played at that moment.

"They're going to try to embarrass you, so just pretend it worked, walk away, and I'll deal with them. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want you to think that I don't love you."

"Don't worry, hun. You didn't hurt me one bit." Virgil winked. Roman's eyes were glossy with tears, a heartbroken expression overtaking his face. "Why? Why did you-" "Because it was time for someone to take you down. You've hurt too many people to get off the hook like that. You're a player, Roman Prince. And not a very good one at that. Enjoy the rest of your terrible life." Virgil walked away confidently, followed by some girls that came from the bushes; he recognized them as a few of his past victims.

Just like that, Roman finally got what he deserved and lost the one person he genuinely loved.


i wanted to make this longer and more in-depth, but eh :p i'm not excited for school to start in two weeks, but i /am/ ready for the new asides sjdhfkjd i think it'll have something to do with remus and virgil (maybe a flashback to life in the darkside 0-0) anywho, hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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