Testing Trouble | Slight Intrulogical

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summary: remus is a terrible test taker despite being an incredibly smart student. one teacher in particular has it out for him, if he doesn't ace this test, he'll fall farther into her trap.

word count: 1578

okay there's these channels dissociadid and multiplicity&me and i really want thomas to do a video on did with them bc they are both amazing systems. especially multiplicity&me since they are a lot like the sanders sides, each of the alters are similar to thomas and the sides in their own ways and it's super cool, you should check out their reenactments of how it is in their head. :) also there is barely any intrulogical but there is some :)

tw// cursing, abusive teacher (not physical), slight intrusive thoughts (very violent and a lil descriptive)


Remus, while very immature and a troublemaker, was known to be one of the smartest kids in his class. He loved pulling practical jokes on his classmates but since they weren't too harmful and he was loved by the teachers for his intelligence, he was never in serious trouble.

Unfortunately, there were two things that had complete power over him, making him more vulnerable than usual. One, standardized tests, and two, Mrs. Piercer. Mrs. Piercer, Remus's freshman Pre-AP Algebra II teacher, had an obvious grudge against the student. Everyone knew of their rivalry, she was always calling on him in class, she frequently complained to the principal about him, she'd gone so far as to give Remus a referral, claiming he was disrupting her class and physically harming her. Remus's best friend, Logan, saved his butt that time, telling the principal Remus was wrongly accused and he did absolutely nothing wrong.

That incident didn't stop Mrs. Piercer though, she kept a keen eye on Remus, waiting for anything that she could report him for, anything to ruin his life. Then the day came, end-of-course exams.

Remus forced himself to look unfazed but anyone who knew him would know he was freaking out. He sat at his designated desk, bouncing his leg a million miles a minute and tapping his fingers against his desk.

"Okay, the test will begin shortly. Make sure your area is clear and remember, if I catch you cheating, your test will be picked up and you will automatically fail. If you don't finish on time, your test will be picked up and will be graded as is." Mrs. Piercer called out to the students. Remus visibly shook now, trying to keep his shallow breaths as quiet as possible. She passed out the tests, Remus being her last stop.

She smiled, an evil smile, and squatted beside his desk. "It's been a long year, Prince, and do you know what I've learned?" Remus just glared at her. "I can't trust you. That's why someone like you is all the way back here, next to my desk, so I can keep an eye on you." Remus forced himself to stop shaking and fidgeting, which took a lot of energy. "You are a terrible teacher and when I get out of this place-"

"'When'?" She said with a small laugh. "Remus, you'd be lucky to graduate, they could hold you back for your test scores and behavior alone. I truly don't believe you will go anywhere. You're smart, I'll give you that, but you waste it on your pathetic jokes instead of studying for these tests."

Remus wanted to tell her otherwise, that he studied until he got nosebleeds and migraines, that it never worked because he was a naturally bad test taker. She wouldn't have cared anyways, he knew this, so he kept his mouth shut. "I guarantee you, you will never be successful, not with your track record." She stood up and announced the beginning of the test. Remus clenched his fist but opened the test, 'Please, let me do good just once.'

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