Crush | Moloceit

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summary: patton and janus like each other. only problem is that patton's dating Logan.

word count: 502

i don't think i've written these three before, which is weird bc i love moceit, logicality, and loceit shdksfj i actually really like this one, i wish it didn't feel so rushed but that's okay :)) i want you all to know that you don't need to force yourselves to do anything, you don't need to fix other people, especially if you're at a point where everything feels like it's too much. i'm proud of you for doing your best every day, take time for yourself, remember that you matter :))

tw/cw// sad/stressed logan/patton/janus, anxious thoughts, that should be it :))


Patton pet his boyfriend's hair with a frown. His boyfriend, Logan, was sleeping peacefully against Patton's chest. He loved Logan with his whole heart, for nearly two years now. However, his recent thoughts had been drifting to another in addition to Logan.

It was moments like these that he felt happiest, cuddling his boyfriend and basking in his silent company, but he couldn't help but feel something was missing. Someone was missing. 

Images of Patton's best friend and crush, Janus Blair, danced through the conflicted boy's head. 'But I'm still dating and in love with Logan. Would either of them actually be okay with me being with both of them at the same time?' Patton shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping sleep would soothe his racing thoughts at any moment.


Logan chuckled as Janus ranted about his crush, causing himself to become flustered. As he buried his flushed face in his arms on the table, Logan messed with his hands and decided to rip the figurative Band-Aid off. "This guy that you like, are you close to him?" Janus peeked up at his friend through his sweater sleeves and shrugged. "Kind of, yeah. Why?" 

With an awkward smile, Logan asked, "Is your crush Patton?" Janus stared at Logan in shock for a moment while the awkward boy nodded. "I'm not mad, I promise. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions. If it makes you feel any better, I believe Patton reciprocates your feelings."

"Logan," Janus whispered softly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Shaking his head, Logan offered another small smile. "It's okay, Janus. I'll talk it over with Patton; if he still loves me, then we'll have to figure something out. If not, then that's okay, I just want him to be happy." Janus nodded unsurely.


Janus watched across the lunch table as Logan and Patton had a silent conversation with each other, filled with giggles and comforting touches. He thought back to what Logan said earlier. He knew about Janus's crush; apparently, he also knew of Patton's crush on Janus, which seemed impossible to the lonely boy but he didn't dwell on it too much.

Logan had also mentioned that if Patton only loved Janus, then he'd let Patton go. But as Janus watched the two of them now, he knew, without a doubt in his mind, that wasn't happening. He could see how much Patton loved Logan just by the way he glowed around him. That simultaneously eased Janus, not wanting to get in the way of his friends' happiness, and terrified him. 'What if Logan's wrong? Or what if he lied? And now he knows I'm in love with his boyfriend and he hates me. What if he told Patton?'

Forcing himself to calm down, Janus stared down at his school lunch, hoping his thoughts would go away.


Needless to say, the next day, when Patton nervously asked him out with Logan smiling reassuringly behind him, the three boys felt extremely relieved and happy.


it took me a while to figure out how to finish this one T-T i wanted to write a story about trans logan and it was gonna be platonic lamp but i wasn't feeling it anymore sdjhfkdj but i do think i'll be posting this scream based story next week, idk, we'll see 0-0 anywho, hope y'all enjoyed this one, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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