Do Anything | Past/Slight Logicality

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summary: patton has no one else to go to after his best friend passes away; he turns to logan for help, despite having no contact with him for five years.

word count: 1693

okay, but logicality is beautiful, just platonically. like the bubbly airhead and the cold, calculated genius being best friends is a lovely trope fjhfsj anyways, this week was rough, but it ended amazingly, and i'm pretty happy rn so yeah, enjoy this :))

tw/cw// mention of de*th, mention of the thing that results in pregnancy (while intoxicated 0-0), mention of past cheating, crying, sadness


Logan settled into his couch with a book and a glass of wine, finally relaxing after a long, stressful day. His job as a teacher had been terrible, traffic was awful, all of his food expired, and that was terrible. All in all, it was not Logan's day.

Logan's relaxed smile fell into a glare when someone knocked at his door rather loudly. He rolled his eyes when they persisted in their knocking, urging him to get up and answer the door finally. He was shocked to see his ex-boyfriend at the door, hidden under an oversized raincoat, standing beside what Logan could only assume was a toddler in a small, yellow rubber raincoat.

"Patton? What...Who...?" Patton took his attention from the street to Logan, letting out a sigh in relief. "Logan, thank gosh. I don't know what I would've done if you had moved; this was the only place I could go." Logan opened the door a bit wider to let the two soaked humans into his house, and he'd never been happier to have tile floors instead of carpet.

Patton and the child entered and removed their coats; now, Logan could see Patton's dark blonde curls. They had been so much brighter and fluffier when they were young adults. Logan definitely didn't distinctly remember this because he spent hours studying pictures of the boy after they broke up...definitely not. Logan let his focus drift to the small child, surprised at how much they looked like Patton. Same curls, same freckles, Logan could only imagine the child had the same dimples when they smiled. The only difference was that the child had brown hair and green eyes instead of Patton's deep blue irises.

"Would you guys like a drink? Blankets?" Patton looked down at the toddler. "What do you think, bud? Do you want anything?" The toddler shook their head, Patton shook his head sheepishly at Logan. Logan, in turn, nodded and led the two to his living room couch. Once they all sat down, Logan asked for an explanation.

Patton sighed and winced, "Do you remember Jessica?" How could Logan forget? The reason he and Patton broke up in the first place. In an attempt to appease his father, Patton fake dated his and Logan's best friend, Jessica. It was meant only to be a relationship around his dad, but it backfired terribly when Patton and Jessica had gotten intoxicated one night and did something neither one was entirely proud of. The two friends desperately tried to convince Logan it meant nothing, and it was a mistake. It didn't stop the pain Logan had felt, though. The mistake resulted in a fight, and Logan broke up with Patton. 

Even now, Patton was tortured by Logan's heartbroken expression as he remembered their old best friend and the incident that broke his heart years ago. There was nothing Patton regretted more in his life. "Um, after all that, she found out she was pregnant and, Logan, this is Thomas. Thomas, this is Logan, he's Daddy's...friend." Patton awkwardly introduced the two. Thomas waved at the man, clearly shy around this stranger. Logan shyly waved back before gesturing towards the hallway to Patton. Patton nodded, telling Thomas to stay in his spot and mess around with the unfinished puzzle on the coffee table.

The two men went into the hallway and spoke in hushed voices. "Patton, why are you telling me this? Why did you come here with your son? Speaking of which, why did you never tell me you had a son? I know we left on bad terms, but I would've done anything to help you and Jess, you know that." Patton ran a hand through his hair. "We didn't think you wanted anything to do with us anymore. So we kept it secret for as long as we could so we could handle it ourselves, but at some point, it was impossible to hide it any longer. By then, no one wanted to help us; they thought it was 'disgraceful' or something. And I came to you now because..." Patton watched Thomas for a bit, his eyes glossing over with tears. "Jess, she got into an accident and...she didn't make it. We got to say our goodbyes, and she was just gone.

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