You Deserve Better | Platonic Prinxiety

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summary: roman gets really badly injured, virgil helps him while roman's cousin couldn't care less

word count: 1430

i'm kind of on a roll with writing rn :) like i've been feeling stuck and unmotivated for a couple weeks now but for some reason i just got a burst of p o w e r

tw/cw// blood, injuries, concussion, hospital (not in detail), some cussing, mentions of violence, ik remus is the villain in canon but i usually write him (and see him) as a sort of misunderstood good guy and ik other people do too :)) that being said, we have some unsympathetic remus here so yeah, enjoy that :D


Roman and Remus were cousins, but very distant cousins through blood. Growing up, they'd only met each other twice, which both occurred right after Roman had been born when Remus was about three or four. Reconnecting as adults, the two became inseparable and Roman had come to admire Remus's care-free personality. All his life Roman had been reprimanded for being too loud, too weird, never making any friends. But in his mind, Remus had all the answers, Remus knew how to be proud of himself, how to brighten up a room. Roman seemed to be blind to Remus's almost nonexistent intelligence, rude personality, and toxic behavior.

Not that Roman was much better. He was almost an exact copy of Remus, with the exception that he was more aware of other's emotions and boundaries. Even with his redeeming qualities though, he still followed everything Remus said, and that often got him in trouble.

Virgil rolled his eyes as Remus bothered him during work for the seventh time this week, it was barely Tuesday. "What now, Remus?" "How do you know if someone has a concussion?" Virgil furrowed his eyebrows but it wasn't a completely random question from Remus. "I don't know, their eyes are dilated, they are probably incoherent, there might be a huge bump or gash in their head." Remus nodded. "So Roman definitely has a concussion..." Virgil's head snapped up to Remus. "What?"

Remus led Virgil outside to his own car without a word. "Remus, you've done a lot of stupid things in your life and this better not add to the list." "Why do you assume this was my fault? Sure, I might've suggested that Roman should stand up to those guys that cornered us but I didn't tell him to actually do it."

Remus opened the car door and Virgil nervously looked inside, eyes widening as he saw the state Roman was in. Blood was seeping from his scalp down the side of his face, bruises and cuts littering the rest of his face and body. Roman was clearly passed out and even though Virgil wasn't a medical professional, he definitely knew that Roman should not be asleep.

Virgil quickly grabbed hold of Roman's face and patted his cheek. "Ro? Come on, Roman, I can never shut you up and you decide to do it now?" Roman's eyes open slightly, which seemed to be a difficult task for him. "Wha'?" His speech was slurred but Virgil was beyond grateful that he woke up.

Virgil held his hand out for Remus's keys, which Remus gave him without protest, and made his way to the driver's seat. Once they were in, Remus quickly diving into the backseat, Virgil drove as fast as he could, within speed limit, to the nearest hospital. All the while, he held Roman's hand and made sure he wouldn't pass out yet, still worried about what had already happened or what else could happen.

They made it to the hospital and were, unfortunately, stuck in the waiting room, Remus and Virgil on either side of Roman. Remus grabbed a form and began attempting to fill it out, already lost on his name. "Roman, what's your middle name?" Roman stared into the void, zoning out but still awake and alive. By Virgil's standards, he was already doing pretty good.

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