A Hero's Cost Pt. 2 | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil decides he needs to show roman the truth. roman gets into trouble with a criminal but virgil saves the day

word count: 691

class is finally over!! more time for books and writing :), obviously continuation of the first part, you might wanna refresh on where that one left off :)

tw// implied almost sexual assault, guns, fluff :))


The next day, their grade level was on a field trip for history. They were visiting some museum that was supposed to help them with the unit they were on. Roman stuck with his theater friends the whole day leaving Logan and Virgil alone with each other.

"So he didn't trust you?" Virgil shook his head, "He thought I was still keeping something from him." Logan hummed, "Maybe you should tell him. I know you need to keep it secret but you trust Roman. You know you can trust him so maybe you should tell him." Virgil nodded, "Yeah, maybe you're right. I just don't want-"

Virgil's "spidey-senses" (he hated the name even though he came up with it) began tingling. He could tell someone was in danger. He turned to see Roman exiting the bathroom only for a suspicious man to come up behind the boy. He put a hand on his mouth and threatened him with a weapon that caused Roman to flinch. The man lead Roman out of the building angering Virgil.

"Logan, cause a distraction." The nerd nodded and pulled a small chemical compound from his pocket. He made this especially for anytime Virgil might need him to make a disruption, such as now. He poured the chemical onto one of the tour guide books, it began to melt and foam up, even making small explosions. Everyone turned to it, screaming even though there was no real danger.

Meanwhile, Virgil left the building, suited out, and found the man with Roman in the alleyway. "Alright, pretty boy, on your knees." Roman shook with fear, tears in his eyes. "What are you, deaf? Get down now!" The man pushed Roman to the ground by his shoulder. He began unbuckling his pants until Virgil, Spider-Man, swung in to kick the man in the face. He got back up and faced the hero. "Thought you were only a myth. Oh well, guess I was wrong." He grabbed the gun from his pocket, cocking it before shooting at the boy. Virgil dodged the bullet and shot a web onto the gun, slinging it far from the man's reach. He punched him in the face then webbed him into a cocoon.

Virgil finally turned to Roman who quickly wrapped his arms around the boy, "Thank you so much." "I-It was no problem. However I do have to tell you something." Roman pulled back and nodded. Virgil looked around, 'Too many people.' He pulled Roman to his chest before slinging them to the roof of a nearby building. Thankfully they were right next to the tallest building in the city, no one would see them here.

Virgil landed then let go of Roman, sighing heavily, "I'm so sorry that I lied to you but you have to understand that I did it to protect you. If you knew who I really was, I was scared that the people who were after me would go to you since you know my identity and they'd hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry." Roman felt like he knew what was happening but this was Spider-Man, there was no way that was possible so he asked, "What are you talking about?"

Virgil gulped and slowly pulled his mask up until it revealed his whole face. Roman's eyes widened. "The reason I keep sneaking off is because I'm trying to save the city from pretty much any criminal. I left during our date because a little girl was getting kidnapped nearby and I left during our hangout with Logan because someone was hijacking a car in the parking lot. Logan found out because he came into my room without my permission. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth before, I was just-" Roman cut him off with a kiss.

He pulled away, leaving Virgil with a dopey grin on his face. "It's okay, I'm sorry I pushed you to tell me the truth so much. I guess I was just scared that I wasn't enough for you." He smiled apologetically. "So, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Roman nodded, "I would love to."


yay all's well that ends well :)) this was super cute to write i loved this. i hope you all enjoyed, i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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