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summary: roman finds the other sides in a zoo of chaos, so to speak. roman is left to figure it out by himself.

word count: 851

okay this sucks big time but hey snakes and frogs are cute right?? :)

tw// ig just remus being his sewer self :))


"Logan? Virgil?" Roman called out. Roman had just returned from the Imagination but it seemed like no one else was in the mindscape. A bark came from a room that was connected to his bedroom, a room he assumed no one else knew about, a room that definitely did not have a dog earlier. He held his sword up cautiously as he ventured towards the source of the bark. He placed a hand on the knob, taking a deep calming breath, then opened the door.

He was immediately attacked by a black Newfoundland dog, knocking him onto his back. He smiled and finally managed to calm the happy dog, checking for a tag. A green tag made itself known through his thick black folds, Roman reached for it and froze as he read 'Remus'. More sounds came from inside the room and he quickly entered to see four more animals, all in containers except for a black cat that smoothly walked along the shelves.

Roman gently picked the cat up into his arms and read his dark blue name tag, 'Logan'. "So if you're Logan and Remus, that means you three are Virgil, Patton, and Janus right?" The snake seemed to nod in response to his question. "Of course, I just had to be the one left to figure this out, huh? I don't know the first thing about thing care of animals, let alone how to fix this!" He thought for a moment, "Well, Janus clearly understood me so maybe the rest of you guys can too?" Roman asked, hopeful.

Remus panted happily and stared at Roman as he lifted his leg. "Remus, seriously!" Roman groaned and looked at the three still in cases, "You won't try to eat each other, right?" After hearing the hiss and a croak, and a tap on the glass from Virgil as he was a tarantula, he opened the cases and led the animals out of his room and into the Common Room.

"Okay, I guess it's lunchtime so I should feed you, huh?" He summoned dog food and set it down in front of Remus, who instantly shoved his face into it. He then summoned some cat food and gave it to Logan, who just shoved the bowl away and meowed angrily. "What? You're a cat, you eat cat food. Remus is a dog so he eats dog food. Then again, Remus would eat anything." He looked at the other three, seemingly all in agreement with Logan. "Well I can't just feed you guys pizza, you still need to eat like bugs and rats and stuff, right?" They all showed disgust at his suggestion while Remus began wagging his tail excitedly.

"Um, maybe I can make something with chicken? Is that good for you to eat?" They each agreed and Roman got to work. He finished slicing the chicken breast, ready to begin cooking it until Logan placed his paw on his hand. He motioned at the chicken and Janus with his head. "Wait, I give Janus raw chicken? That's not bad for him?" Logan shook his head, Janus joining in. "Okay..." Roman placed a few slices of raw chicken in front of the snake who immediately ate it up.

Roman finished cooking the chicken and placed various serving sizes onto small plates. "Wait, can frogs eat chicken?" He mumbled before opening Google and searching it up. He sighed and set the plates in front of Virgil and Logan. "Patton, you're gonna have to eat bugs. Sorry, buddy." Roman summoned a bowl of grilled insects and placed it in front of the frog. Patton hesitated before digging in, it's not like he had anything else to eat.

Once "dinner" was over, Roman, accompanied by the animals, headed over to the couch and began reading through any book that could possibly help him in this situation. Virgil rested on Roman's shoulder, Janus curled into his lap, Remus at his feet, and Logan and Patton by his sides. Roman smiled and slowly began to fall asleep.


Roman woke up suddenly when he felt a weight on his feet and his lap. Janus looked like his normal self, a few patches of the yellow snake he once was slowly disappearing. Roman could only assume the same for Remus. A weight formed over his shoulders so he figured Virgil was returning back to normal. Logan and Patton began forming as well, small green patches on Patton and short black hair on Logan. As soon as Logan's hair grew out, and became brown, and Patton was completely back to normal, each side began to wake up.

"Are we back yet?" Virgil mumbled. "Um, yeah, about that? What happened?" Roman asked. Logan sighed and adjusted his glasses while sitting up. "I was testing out a new chemical. You had one of the ingredients but I couldn't reach it so they all came to help me. I accidentally dropped it, causing each of us to be affected." Patton whined and quickly ran to the bathroom. "What's wrong with him?" Janus asked. "I don't think he enjoyed eating the insects."


not the best ending ik but this was getting long and idk how else to end it :)) even though this is long for a tuesday post, i just really wanted to write this bc come on these animals are adorable and i had so much fun researching about the animals :)). hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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