I Feel Like Chet | Slight Prinxiety

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summary: roman is crushing hard on the boy in the back of the class but knows he'd never be how he imagines

word count: 240

tw// maybe some disappointment :))


Roman watched as Virgil sat in the back of the class, calmly doing his work with music playing through his headphones. He's only ever talked to the boy once and it was not a good interaction. He had insulted the emo, before even realizing what he was saying, and pretty much ruined his chances with the boy. Not that he'd be in a better place had that interaction not existed.

As much as Roman was a hopeless romantic, he could never actually make a move or stay with anyone. He formed a crush that would last a week on pretty much every boy he'd interacted with. He always imagines perfect love stories between him and possible partners that will never come along. Maybe he set his standards too high but he couldn't help himself, Disney set these impossible standards years ago when he was a baby and that's all he's ever wanted.

He didn't want to try talking to the boy for that exact reason, he knew he wouldn't be exactly how Roman imagined him in his fantasies and he didn't want to be disappointed. So he kept his feelings to himself as he turned his head back to focus on whatever Logan was talking about for their group project. Maybe one day he'll find someone he loves without meeting Disney prince status, he's excited for the day, but for now he was stuck. Stuck at being single, nothing more.


so kinda based on me, mainly mxmtoon's i feel like chet, hope you enjoyed this bc this was the shortest fic i've ever written so take it before i post a part with 1000 words. buh bye!


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