Lost... | Logince

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summary: logan has been missing for a while, his fiancé is determined to get him back and fix him

word count: 588

enjoy the logince angst :)

tw// crying, fighting, mention of blood, mind control :))


"So we're officially engaged, what now?" Logan spoke softly with a smile. Roman shrugged, "I guess we get married but I don't know, it's just a thought." He joked. Logan lightly hit chest and sighed, "You know what I meant. Are we gonna move in together? What do we do for the honeymoon? When do we even plan on getting married? And how many people are we inviting because we only know like 10 people, Ro."

He ran his hands through the logical boys hair, "Calm down, love. Worrying is for Doom and Gloom and he's downstairs. We'll figure everything out in due time. Look, you like schedules right? How about you set aside an hour or two every day for us to plan this wedding? We can have a small wedding so you don't need to fret about going extravagant. As long as I can be with you, I'll do anything you want." Logan smiled sheepishly.


"You found him?" Roman asked Patton softly. He hastily began packing a bag with weapons and supplies Logan might need.

"Well, yes but Roman, listen. He's been with Snake for weeks, who knows what's been going on over there. He might not be the same person he was before-" Roman slammed his hand down onto the desk in front of him, "He's alive, right?" Patton hesitantly nodded. "Then we're getting him. If Snake so much as laid a fingernail on Logan, I will kill him myself, got that? If you and Virgil want to stay here, that's fine with me but you're not stopping me from doing this, Patton."

Virgil made his way into the room and rushed over to the upset Patton. "What's going on?" He asked, noticing how harshly Roman glared at Patton, "Nothing. I'm leaving." And with that, Virgil and Patton were alone.


Roman snuck through the building, listening for any sign of footsteps. Someone was making their way down the hallway toward him, he needed to act fast. He discreetly slipped into the room to his right, shutting the door immediately afterwards. He froze when he heard shuffling from behind him. Slowly turning around, tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he saw the source of the noise.

"L-Logan?" He pulled the boy into a much needed hug. "I'm so happy that you're okay. Listen," He pulled away but kept his hands on his shoulders. "We need to get out of here now. Patton and Virgil are back at the house, I have some stuff in my car, we'll fix you up, okay?"

Logan shoved his arms back down to his sides. Roman realized the boy hadn't looked up at him the whole time, "Lo? Are you okay?" He looked up at Roman, his eyes glowing yellow as an uncharacteristic smirk made its way onto his face.

"You got here right on time, Prince. It wasn't easy but Logan finally submitted to my technology, he is new and improved. L0G4N, take him down." Snake spoke over a speaker that blared through the room.

"Logan, I won't fight you." Logan charged towards Roman and punched him across the face. Roman fell to the ground and spit out some blood. 'He's stronger, too strong.' Roman scrambled to his feet and backed away from Logan. "Logan, if you're still in there, I'm so sorry I was too late. I'll fix this, I promise you. We'll figure this out together. And I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." He spoke sadly before punching Logan in the face.


okay look, i'm sorry i can't come up with a more creative title. um, i like the concept of this but i really hate how i wrote it so just take it, there's a part two so hope you enjoyed, buh bye!


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