Prank | Intrulogical

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summary: patton finds remus and freaks out. logan can see through his boyfriend's tricks though.

word count: 263

okay this starts off sounding gory so i'll still leave the tw, but it's not actually anything bad, it's the same rig that veronica uses in heathers. JUST A SICK PRANK BY A DEMENTED BAD BOI STAY SAFE

tw// mentions of suicide, mentions of gore, mentions of blood (??) :))


Patton screamed for Logan and sobbed. Roman and Logan looked at each other before heading to Logan's room where Patton was. "Logan, h-he's-" Roman quickly pulled Patton into a hug as he cried. Logan followed Patton's eyes to see his boyfriend hanging from the ceiling with a rope wrapped around his neck. Logan rolled his eyes and scooped up some of the "blood" and placed it into his mouth. "It's melted raspberry Crofter's with corn syrup. Really, Remus? You had to waste my Crofter's?" Patton and Roman stared at Logan in horror.

Remus dropped his dead act and pouted, looking up at his boyfriend, "I thought it would've worked better but it didn't and I had already wasted it by then, I didn't want to not use it." Logan sighed and helped his boyfriend down from the rigged "noose". "Wait, how did you know he was okay?" Patton asked shakily. "Well, one, he always does this and two, he was still breathing and his eyelids were twitching."

Roman glared at his brother and helped Patton back to his own room. "Maybe next time I should just use the corn syrup." Remus mumbled. "You should use less of it, too. And maybe make the noose look a little tighter. Realistically-" Remus placed a finger to his boyfriend's lips, "I can't make my pranks too realistic now, can I? I don't want to see you hurt or worried about me." Logan smiled and pushed his hand away.

"Fine, let's just get to bed." Remus grinned and sent finger guns his way, "You got it, dork."


did i do good, was that good? i almost forgot to upload today, class has been crazy i'm trying not to miss due dates and stuff but just two more weeks :)) i hope you enjoyed, i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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