A Hero's Cost | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil is spiderman. he loves his life, his best friend, his boyfriend, things are great. but his boyfriend is hurt by his actions, lying, running off in the middle of hanging out, he questions him about this. he just wants the truth, but can virgil give him that?

word count: 536

this one made me big sad to write :)

tw// angst ig, that's it :)


Virgil had a secret, a really big one. He couldn't tell anyone, only his best friend knows bc he doesn't understand what "I'll be out in a minute." means. But either way he knows he can trust the boy to have his back. As long as he still has his best friend and his boyfriend, he was happy. But his boyfriend, Roman, wasn't as content with this as Virgil was.

"Hey Logan?" The nerdy boy turned to Roman. They were in the cafeteria waiting for Virgil to join them at their table. "Do you know if Virgil is hiding anything from me? He always sneaks around and he doesn't think I can tell when he's lying but I can. I'd rather the truth than for you to spare my feelings, what's going on with him?" Logan silently cursed himself for actually knowing what was wrong.

"I- You might want to talk with Virgil first. It is not my place to say anything." Roman sighed and nodded.

That day, after school, Roman and Virgil walked with each other home like every day. "Virgil? I love you so much and I'm sure you love me too but I need a straight answer. Why do you always sneak off and lie to me? Like, for example, last week we were having a picnic together and suddenly you left the stove on so you had to leave." Virgil nervously wrung his hands in his jacket, "Well you don't want me to burn my house down, do you, Princey?" He attempted to joke. "Virgil, you live with your aunt who gets home earlier than you do, she would've turned it off. Then the other day the three of us were out shopping and you left because you forgot to lock your car. We took the bus there. And you know I thought maybe you were lying to Logan and I about something but he always backs you up. So why does Logan know and I don't? Why do you always lie to me?"

Virgil couldn't come up with a good answer. If he told him the truth, he'd surely think he was crazy and break up with him. If he lied to him, he'd know and break up with him. If he told him a half truth, it might work. He might trust him. "Roman, something happened to me about a year and a half ago. It completely changed my life. But it's really huge, I just can't tell you. Logan was never supposed to know, he accidentally found out, I promise if I had a choice, I would've told the both of you. You have to trust me, I'm not lying to you, I love you and care about you so much."

Roman looked at the ground, "I wish I could believe you, but I think it'd be best for the both of us if we just stop here. No need to drag this out. Goodbye, Virgil." He kissed Virgil's cheek softly before heading down the road to his house, sniffling the whole way down. Virgil felt the tears slide down his face, almost washing away the ghost feeling of Roman's lips on his cheek. He screwed up big time.


isn't it funny that this is the only book i'm keeping up with? i just jinxed myself didn't i? whoopsie. well i hope you enjoyed, there will be a part two to this one bc i like this one very much :) i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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