The Bully's Crush Pt. 2 | Logince

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summary: over the past school year, roman and logan have gotten closer with every interaction. both boys becoming comfortable and more caring around each other than before.

word count: 3197 (0-0)

this is a part 2 to the other one shot of the same name :)) sorry this is so long but i hope this makes up for not posting on saturday, this was taking a super long time and unfortunately my college is still assigning work over the break but here ya go :)

tw/cw// alcohol, kinda non-consensual kissing, bullying, slight violence mentions, transphobic comments, some cussing, injuries mentioned, incest joke, stay safe friends :))


"Hey, Logan! Did you hear about the party tonight? Everyone's gonna be there, it's gonna be super cool! Here, I'll send you the address." Patton spoke a million words a minute, rambling so fast that Logan couldn't keep up. He didn't really feel like going to the party but Patton had already sent him the invite, and he wasn't busy after school, so he decided to go. 'What's the worst that can happen?'

Logan arrived at the party and almost immediately made his way to the basement, standing by the wall with a cup of water in his hand. He awkwardly watched as almost everyone was doing at least one illegal thing and the rest were playing spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. "Hey, we need another player, anyone wanna play spin the bottle?" Roman shouted out to the other teens in the basement. No one responded.

Roman's eyes fell onto Logan, who was trying to sink into the crowd so he wouldn't get noticed, and he waved him over. "Dr. Robotnik! Come here!" Logan huffed at the nickname and reluctantly made his way over to the group, sitting down in the only empty space between two strangers. "Just suck it up, geek. Okay, let's start." Roman said, knowing Logan was slightly regretting coming to the party right now.

A few people had their turns before the bottle finally landed on Logan. His eyes widened slightly, filled with worry as the drunk girl stumbled her way across the floor and in front of him. She placed a hand on the side of his face and stuck her face onto his, locking lips with the poor nerd.

Unaware to anyone else, Roman watched with a twinge of jealously and anger. Logan wasn't pulling away, but Roman knew he wanted to. Roman wanted to get up, push the drunk girl off Logan, and take to poor nerd out of the party. Roman instead pushed his thoughts always and tried to convince himself what he was feeling was nothing, there wasn't anything there for a loser like Logan, never was, never will be.

The girl finally pulled back and sat back in her spot. Logan desperately wanted to wipe his lips of the cheap lipstick she decided to wear but he felt it would be rude to do so in front of everyone else, so he left it on. He nervously spun the empty beer bottle, desperately wishing he could go home now. The bottle slowed down and landed on Roman.

Roman smirked and crawled over to Logan, wiping off the lipstick with his sleeve while Logan watched him in slight awe. Logan couldn't ignore the fact that Roman looked really attractive right now, the way he took control, how confident and carefree he seemed, Logan would be weak in the knees if he wasn't already sitting down.

"Candy is a terrible kisser, consider yourself lucky I'm doing this, idiot." Logan ignored the insult, instead allowing himself to get lost in the sensation of Roman kissing him. Roman was gently cupping the sides of Logan's face and pulling him in closer for the kiss, taking up as much space as possible between the two. Roman finally pulled back, taking in Logan's red face and awed expression. Roman himself held a slightly shocked expression, realizing how much he really wanted to do that again, just how much he cared for the boy, just how much power Logan held over Roman just by existing without even knowing it.

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