Don't Wanna Leave This Play Date With You | Dukexiety

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summary: remus and virgil have a strange friends with benefits situation going on. remus wants to take their relationship to the next level but the same can't be said for virgil

word count: 406

it's super short ik, i'm sorry sjhfjfksl. toxic dukexiety, not ideal. we're just gonna ignore the fact that this is super late even though it's still technically the 19th for like 20 more minutes, it's still super late dhlfhsldk sorry-

tw/cw// implied friends w/ benefits situation, unsympathetic/toxic/effboi virgil, sad remus, slight greyromantic erasure, manipulation, kinda based on a melanie martinez song but not entirely


Remus slid his shirt on while Virgil stayed in his bed, scrolling through Instagram. Remus sat on the edge of the bed, staring down at his hands and feet. "Hey, Vee? I know you and Jan stopped hanging out with me because I'm kind of a loser." Remus chuckled dryly, his face fell when he could tell Virgil was barely even paying attention. "I was just wondering...maybe we could take the next step in our relationship? We could make this official, I could hang with you guys every day..." Remus trailed off, smiling dreamily to himself as he was whisked away into his fantasy.

Virgil snorted, snapping Remus out of his thoughts. "C'mon, Ree, you don't even feel love like that." Remus furrowed his eyebrows and turned to face Virgil, who was now standing in front of his closet, searching for a random shirt to put on. "What do you mean by that?" Virgil sighed. "You're aromantic, I get that. I'm not going to tell you that you're invalid or you're faking it, I get it. It's the main reason I got into this with you, I knew I wouldn't have to worry about any strings attached, you know?"

Remus frowned down at the bedsheets. "I'm grayromantic, Virgil, there's a difference." Remus bit his lip. "Remus, I don't need this kind of stress right now so be direct with me. Are you into me as more than what our usual "sessions" call for? I need to know now so I can cut this off." Remus thought for a moment. He definitely didn't want to stress Virgil out, he'd already lost the boy once and he didn't want that happening again, he'd come this close, couldn't he just suck it up for Virgil's sake?

Remus looked up at Virgil, who he just now noticed was staring back, almost bored. A tight, forced smile crept onto Remus's face. "I promise you there isn't anything else except our normal stuff. I'm sorry I even brought it up, it was just a fleeting thought." Virgil smiled back. "It's cool, Re. I prefer you this way anyways." He winked. Remus flushed and turned back around to finish tying his shoes. He was aware how unhealthy this was, the fact that Virgil was so against the thought of a romantic relationship should be a red flag. But Remus couldn't help it, at least Virgil wanted him, that's all he could ask for.


wHEW okay ik it's not ideal dukexiety fanfic but it's something and it's the only time i've ever been able to envision these two (that and i saw a tik tok by oneletteredwonder that was of their light side remus cosplay to playdate and i just HAD to do something, it would've been a crime not to sjfhks) anywho, today has been an emotional rollercoaster and it's been kinda stressful but hope y'all enjoyed, love y'all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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