Christmas Spirit | Slight Moxiety

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summary: virgil has lost all hope in holidays, maybe someone can bring it back.

word count: 513

i was just watching elf and thought "this is so patton and virgil" dkhfksjf (but i kinda lost motivation towards the end so)

tw/cw// nothing :)


Virgil sighed as he put more stuffed animals in the decorated Christmas tree. He used to love Christmas when he was little, then he grew up, got a job, and now he's a miserable worker at Gimbel's dressed as a Christmas elf. He glanced down to see a man his age, also dressed as an elf, gawking up at him. Virgil rolled his eyes. "Enjoying the view?" "You're very good at decorating that tree."

Virgil looked down at the man with tired eyes. "Why are you messing with me? Did Janus put you up to this?" The man shook his head innocently. "I'm not messing with you. It's just nice to meet another human with my affinity for elf culture." Virgil climbed down the ladder. "I'm just trying to get through the holidays."

"'Get through'?" Virgil grabbed the basket with a few more stuffed animals, bringing them over to the toy display to set them up. "Christmas is the greatest day in the whole wide world!" "Please stop talking to me." The man smiled, following Virgil as he moved around the shop. "Uh-huh, sounds like someone needs a Christmas carol. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."

Virgil set the basket down and moved around the man. "Thanks, but I don't sing." "Well, it's easy. It's just like talking, except louder and longer, and you move your voice up and down." "I can sing, but I just chose not to sing, especially in front of other people." Virgil mumbled, still audible to the man beside him. "If you sing alone, you can sing in front of other people. There's no difference."

"Actually, there's a big difference." "No, there isn't. Look," The man turned to face the rest of the store. "I'm singing. I'm in a store, and I'm singing. I'm in a store, and I'm singing-" Virgil chuckled at the man's terrible singing. "Hey, there's no singing in the North Pole!" "Yes, there is. We sing all the time!" Virgil laughed as the man argued with Virgil's boss. 

"While this was fun, my shift's over. See you later-" "Wait." The man cut off Virgil. "I'm Patton." Virgil narrowed his eyes at the stranger warily before shaking his hand, "I'm Virgil." "Would you like to eat food? With me? Like the code?" Patton awkwardly winked his eyes. Virgil suppressed a laugh as he stared at Patton strangely.

"Um, like a date?" Patton nodded quickly with a wide grin. Virgil sighed with a blush. It had been a while since he had been on a date with someone, and Patton didn't seem like he'd make it too awkward. "Uh, sure. But I'd rather go out when I'm not dressed like an elf, how about Saturday? At 8?" Virgil almost couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth right now; he never planned the dates, it was too much to worry about.

"Sounds great." Patton said with a giggle. Virgil nodded and walked home with a blush and a bright smile that he tried to contain.


yet another case of me thinking i already posted this and i didn't, but, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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