Homecoming Surprise | Prinxiety

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summary: roman's boyfriend, virgil, didn't want to attend homecoming because of his anxiety. roman is lonely without the anxious boy, but he's in for a surprise.

word count: 368

this can be taken as a prequel to "second chance" (the one-shot that i wrote about prinxiety parents with the father/daughter dance), but it's also a stand-alone fic :) also, a lot of my drafts are super short, like under 1000 words, so my next few updates might be really short, which sorry, but i hope you still enjoy :))

tw/cw// sad roman, nervous/anxious virgil, it's pretty short, so it's mainly fluff :))


Roman idly listened and looked around at the Homecoming venue as his twin brother, Patton, bragged about his crush, a boy named Logan. He told Roman that he was planning on asking Logan to dance when a slow song came on, then ask him out once they left. This wasn't exactly something Roman wanted to hear when his boyfriend of a few weeks wasn't coming to the dance due to his anxiety.

Patton seemed to pick up on this as he cut himself off with a gasp. "Rambling about Logan to you probably isn't the best idea, huh? I'm so sorry, Ro." Roman shrugged with a sad smile. "It's fine. I don't mind much." Patton stared at something behind him and grinned widely. "You won't mind for much longer." Roman furrowed his eyebrows and followed Patton's gaze. He saw Virgil standing by the entrance, nervously looking around and fiddling with the sleeves of his button-up.

Roman's eyes widened, and he made his way to his boyfriend. "Virgil, what are you doing here?" Virgil held a shy smile. "I, uh, felt bad for not coming. Plus, I'd rather spend the night with you and feel a little uncomfortable than be alone in my room and feel miserable." Roman sighed and gave Virgil a soft smile; he felt himself loving Virgil even more for how sweet he was, but he was still concerned for the boy. His anxiety wasn't to be taken lightly, and Roman wouldn't have any fun if he knew his boyfriend was silently suffering. 

"Okay, here's what we're going to do. I'm going to get my jacket, and then we are having a fun night all by ourselves because my night won't be complete unless you're having fun too, deal?" Virgil tried to sputter out an argument, but Roman cut him off with a soft kiss. Virgil blushed and nodded. "Okay, deal."

Roman had loved Virgil for months at this point; he was ecstatic when the boy accepted Roman's request to become his boyfriend. But after that night, Roman knew something was different. Because that night was the night he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Virgil, and he did just that.


okay, like i said, it's kinda a prequel to "second chance," but it can be taken however. i was looking through my old pictures from a couple of years ago, and my freshman hoco pics just made me really nostalgic, so i wrote this :)) anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!

4/3/21 (what is this a countdown to?? 0-0)

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