Join Us For A Bite (FNAF AU)

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summary: there's a birthday party, it's the happiest day. what could go wrong? (basically fnaf but sanders sides)

word count: 977

yes this is based off of's au on insta, so patton is the puppet here. okay since some fanders haven't seen the new episode there are slight spoilers. it'd be better if you've seen the episode :)

tw// implied murder, crying, dead children, missing kids/kidnapping, slight blood and maybe gore??


Puppet's POV

I scan the room for any lonely children, one appears to be crying to himself in a corner. I rush over to him.

"Why are you crying?" I inquired. He sniffles, "I can't find my friends." "What do they look like?" I ask. "Well, Roman and Remus are dressed as princes for their birthday, Logan is wearing a blue bowtie and he has glasses, I-I don't remember what everyone else was wearing." He began crying again.

I reach a hand out for him to take, he tentatively takes it after seemingly inspecting it. He pulls his purple sweater sleeves back slightly to get a better grip on my hand.

I scan the restaurant for kids who matched his description. I find them all at the carousel so I begin to lead the boy in their direction. Once I see them reunited, I know my job is complete for now and make my way back to my prize box. I'm really happy I could help the boy, he seemed so much better.

I head out of my box again for another scan and notice Janus, Mr. Thomas' son, seems to be hiding behind the group of boys from before. From what I've seen, Janus is terrified of the other animatronics. When he was 4, he was shoved by some bullies into Foxy as he was performing at Pirate's Cove. Foxy unintentionally injured the boy, leaving scars all over the left side of his face even 4 years later. His body language tells me he knows the boys well and is taking cover from me.

Well that can't be right, while Janus is scared of the animatronics he's never had a problem with me. I overheard Thomas mention this one night, he thinks it's because I don't look like the others. I look around and notice another animatronic looking at him from behind me. Golden Bonnie, but he's in suit mode. This is unusual but my scan tells me it is only Mr. Afton, Mr. Thomas' business partner. With that, I return back into my box.


"Patton, can you scan the area for any missing children? They were the party that Janus was with tonight, all five of them." Thomas asks wearily. He is rarely like this so I scan the area as quickly as possible. "No children detected." He nods with tears and returns to the other concerned parents. I wonder where they went but instead I focus on recharging for the morning.

~~one week later~~

I scan for any missing children before the restaurant closes and detect some in the back room. Children usually aren't allowed to be there, no one is allowed in there, but maybe they're lost. I go to the room and jump up with a happy shout. This usually gets children happy, but they all remained with tears on their faces. "Maybe you would like cake? Cake makes everyone happy!" I smile. I give each of them a slice and stand back to see their smiles. They're still sitting and crying.

I get closer to them, "What's wrong? Aren't you happy for your cake?" I inspect each of them with a frown. "Janus?" I look to the two boys hugging each other, they are wearing prince costumes. I remember what the boy told me, "Remus and Roman, those are your names, right?" I ask to no reply.

"Why aren't you moving?" I ask the boy in the purple sweater. "Are you okay?" I question the boy with glasses, there's something on his lens, something red. I notice more red splattered up his neck, puddling his body, staining his blue bow tie. They're in pain. I remember this, sometimes kids fall and when there's red, they're sad, in pain. I think for a second, cake isn't making them feel better, which usually helps. What else would make me happy? Mr. Afton always gets happier once he wears his bunny suit. Maybe they need to get in the suits.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys. Maybe this will make you better." I lift the purple boy and put him into the Bonnie suit. He doesn't seem to fit well at first, I wiggle him a bit and he soon fits. "I hope you aren't hurting anymore." I slipped the glasses boy into Chica. "You're okay. I promise." I put the boy in red inside Freddy and the green in Foxy. I looked to Janus. "I don't know what happened but I will fix it." I put him into Golden Freddy.

~~the next night~~

I scan once more for children, reporting to Thomas, and retire to my box. However, right as the lights went out and Thomas left, creaking noises came from the stage. I went to stage and pulled the curtains back curiously. The animatronics seemed to be moving. But they shouldn't be, it's nighttime.

"Where am I?" A voice whispers. It comes from Bonnie but it's the little boy. "Virgil?" Freddy asks. "Roman, what's happening?"

"You're the little boy from last week, right? Virgil's your name? And you," I point to Freddy, "You're Roman? All of you were sad. I tried to make you feel better but you were still sad. I thought if I put you all into the suits you'd be happier but I understand if you would like to leave."

Virgil's POV

I looked down at my hands...paws? I remember, he led us back there. He told us there was a special surprise. I knew not to take stuff from strangers but this was Mr. Afton, he was like Janus' uncle so we knew him, he wasn't a stranger. He locked the door, he started with Roman and Remus, then Logan, then me and Janus. "I think we should stay. I don't want to leave, not yet." I said lightly. My jaw wasn't moving but I was still talking clearly.

"Okay then. Let me show you around."


okay came out slightly better than i thought so take it before i change my mind. janus is baby, i miss virgil, let's go. buh bye!


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