Patton's Brother | Anxceit

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summary: virgil meets patton's brother and has a gay panic, then actually has a conversation with the gorgeous man like a normal person :)

word count: 795

this one was purely self-indulgent, i just wanted to write a gay panic

tw/cw// food mentions (kinda)


Patton chuckled as Virgil crossed his arms and frowned, looking like a child throwing a tantrum. "It won't be that bad, Virge. Roman, Logan, and I will still be there." Virgil sighed. "I know that, but you'll be busy talking to your family, and I'm gonna be standing off to the side awkwardly." Patton smiled and wrapped an arm around Virgil's shoulders, "We wouldn't abandon you that easily. I promise." Virgil returned Patton's smile, feeling a little more relieved at the promise.

Every year on the Fourth of July, Virgil, Roman, Logan, and Patton would have a small party together. But the three latter friends decided to invite their siblings this year; Virgil, being an only child, quickly felt the anxiety building up inside at the idea of having to be around many more people than he's used to, many more strangers than he's used to.

Right now, Patton and Virgil were at Starbucks, waiting on their over-priced, overly-sugary drinks. "Just try not to overwhelm yourself. We'll still be by your side." Virgil nodded, "Just give me a warning before they get here, I want to mentally prepare myself." Patton turned to the entrance and grinned widely. "Janny!" Virgil followed Patton's gaze to the entrance, his eyes widening when he spotted a gorgeous man entering the coffee shop. He had a yellow sweater tucked into black skinny jeans with black suspenders over it; his hair was a blonde/brown mix made of curls, much like Patton's, and his eyes were a beautiful shade of hazel. The man grinned at Patton and approached the two friends, giving Patton a tight hug.

"I thought you weren't coming until 4." The man shrugged. "I got here early, decided to shop around. Imagine my surprise when I see my baby brother through the window of this shop." Patton giggled and glanced at Virgil. "Oh, right. Janus, this is my best friend-" "Virgin!" Virgil's eyes widened and his face got even more red. He forced himself to smile awkwardly and not turn around. "I wonder who that is, funny name, huh?" Virgil chuckled nervously. "Mocha Frappe for Virgin! The emo looking guy!" Virgil sighed with a forced smile. "One second."

Virgil turned to the Starbucks worker and glared at him, knowing fully well the barista, Remy, loved to mess up people's names on purpose. "Seriously?" Remy winked at him from behind his sunglasses. "No problem, Virgin." Virgil growled and grabbed the drink before turning back around, forcing another nervous smile. "Anyways, let's go back to the house, yeah? Sounds good."

Patton and Janus watched Virgil rush out of the shop with amused faces. "Is he always like that?" Patton chuckled and shook his head. "No, actually. Even before I got to know him, he was never like that. He probably likes you." Patton teased. Janus rolled his eyes playfully, ignoring the way his face flushed. "Patty-Cake!" Patton smiled at the name and grabbed the drink from the barista. "Thanks, Remy. Be nice."


After a long and awkward car ride, they made it back to the house. Janus talked with Roman and Logan for a little bit before the two accidentally set up an argument between themselves. Janus scanned the backyard and let his eyes land on Virgil again. Janus never had many friends or crushes growing up, Patton was literally the only person he ever talked to. When you're intimidating and quiet, not many people tend to like you anyways.

But the more Janus thought about the possibility of Virgil liking him, the more it made his face redden. Janus sighed and walked over to where Virgil was sitting, Logan and Roman were too preoccupied so they either didn't notice or didn't care that he left. Janus sat down next to Virgil. "So, your name's Virgil, right? By process of elimination, I just assumed you were Virgil." Virgil glanced at Janus with wide eyes before darting back down the the ground. "Y-Yeah." "So, how did you meet Patton?" "He kinda fell into my lap, literally."

Janus gave Virgil a strange look and demanded to know the details of this story. Virgil retold the events, becoming more comfortable beside the man as they talked for an hour. As their conversation dissolved into giggles, Roman's and Logan's siblings arrived, as well as Patton's cousin. "I guess we should go try to socialize. I'll see you later, yeah? It's a small party, I'm sure we'll talk again later tonight." Virgil smiled hopefully and nodded. "See you later, Virge." Janus stood up and went to go talk to the other people at the party. Virgil couldn't help the smile on his face as he watched the man walk away. 'Who knew Patton's brother was so hot and had an amazing personality?' Virgil thought wistfully.


i would LOVE to get a job at starbucks just to mess up people's names, i know, i'm evil >:) anywho, hope you all enjoyed this rare anxceit content, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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