Love Or Fame? | Logince

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summary: roman and logan, a singer songwriter duo, have been off and on in their relationship, never getting the timing right. they decide to give it one more try at an upcoming awards ceremony. however, roman's manager/producer presents an ultimatum: roman's career or logan?

word count: 739

this is kinda based off of austin and ally but since i don't remember much, there might be some things that are different.

tw// just sadness :((


Roman smiled as Logan excitedly went on about the award Roman was nominated for. "If we are focusing on popularity, you will definitely have competition but if it is general execution your song is sure to win! Sure, the American Liars are a very talented band but they don't have what you have, a cool songwriter by your side."

Roman decided he needed to do this, now. "Logan, will you be my date to the ceremony? I-I know we've been going in this cycle for a long time now but I want to make this work with you. Because I love you." Logan stared at Roman in shock. A small smile slipped onto his own face as he grabbed hold of Roman's hand. "Okay, I want to make this work, I love you too."


Both boys were happier than they'd been in a long time, finally together. Logan had spotted Logic and instantly turned into a fanboy, showering the rapper in compliments. Roman was pulled to the side by his manager and producer, Dillon Lowell. "Roman, Logan's your songwriter correct?" The boy nodded slowly. "Okay then, let's keep it that way. I know you're young but you have to take on more responsibilities than normal kids your age. First, you can't be seen with someone lower than you. Second, you shouldn't be seen with another boy. And third, you shouldn't be dating at all. Your whole image relies on young teenage girls fawning over you, someone like him could ruin your career. This is bad press coverage, you need to be just a little selfish here."

Roman furrowed his eyebrows, "So you're saying I can't be with Logan because no one can know I'm gay? That's incredibly stupid, you can't do this." Dillon scoffed. "I can and I will. So, what's more important to you?" "I have to choose between my career and Logan?" Roman spoke softly, barely above a whisper. Dillon nodded, softening a bit at the sad tone and sighing. "Look Roman, you can do whatever you want behind closed doors, I won't stop you. But you have to understand you are a celebrity now. You can't always afford to do anything you please, one little thing could ruin your life. I'll let you think about it for a little bit, I need your answer by tomorrow."


Roman returned to the table where Logan and his two friends were. "Hey, what happened?" Logan asked softly. Roman willed his eyes to not produce tears, "Logan, we need to talk." Virgil and Patton noticed Roman's tense shoulders and shared a look of concern.

Logan stood and followed Roman to an empty area by the entrance. "Dillon talked to me." Roman said quietly, Logan stared in confusion. "Okay, what did he say?" A small tear slid down his cheek. "He said that I had to choose between you and my career." Logan was taken aback. "W-What?" Roman thought for a moment and sniffled, "W-What if it's just a secret relationship? I love you, Logan, please."

Logan sighed. "I don't want that, Roman. I want to be able to love you openly, without a care in the world. I don't want to be hidden like some shameful secret. I'm sorry but I can't let you give up your career like that." He cupped the princely boy's face. "I love you, Roman, so much. But it's obvious our lives are going in two very different directions, I can't keep you from your dreams. We need to break up." Roman let more tears slip from his eyes and grabbed Logan's hands. "But I can't lose you again. I don't want to lose you." He spoke sadly, breaking Logan's heart as he sounded like a child on his last will.

"I can't, Roman, I'm sorry. I wish you luck on your career." Logan successfully kept his tears in as he walked away from Roman. He wrapped his arms tightly around his torso and let his true emotions show as soon as he was far enough from the building. He felt sick, he'd lost Roman again. The first time was a silly argument about who made their songs successful but this was different. Logan was always raised to take the best route in any situation, no matter how much it hurt, he didn't know it'd hurt this much. Sobs wracked his body as he walked the 2.5 miles to their hotel room alone.


this is very loosely based off of austin & ally man, it's been like 6 years since i last watched it so i don't remember much but i tried. this hurt my heart but i hope you still enjoyed, love you all, stay safe buh bye!

8/1/20 (ew it's already august)

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