Last Minute Prince | Platonic Roceit

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summary: deceit has terrible self-esteem issues, he goes to the one person that can help him

word count: 607

this was written pre-name reveal for janus :)

tw/cw// self deprecating thoughts, crying, roman is the hero :))


Deceit's POV

You look terrible. Do you seriously think anyone could take you seriously looking like that? None of them like you anyway, why do you even bother?

I sighed, I washed my face with cold water, trying to make my eyes look normal, for the most part. "Hey, can you hurry up in there? I need to take a piss before I pee in my bed." Remy said. 'Remy, of course, he can help me. He can cover it up with makeup.' "Hey, Remy, can you do my makeup?" I asked, opening the door. He took a sip of his Starbucks tea and sighed, "No. I'm busy. Now get out, my sheets have David Tennant's face on them and neither of us wants it to be ruined." He shoved me out and locked the door as soon as he closed it.

I looked around. 'Logan doesn't think makeup is logical, Patton barely knows how to use crayons, let alone makeup tools, Virgil hates me, who else...Roman?' I looked towards Princey's door and sighed, "It's worth a try." I knocked on his door, after a few moments of silence, I decide he probably doesn't like me either and begin walking away. 'Who would like you? Did you really think he'd help you after all the things you've done to him? You really are stupid.'

"Deceit? Ha-Have you been...crying? Is everything okay?" I thought for a moment. Roman already knows the answer to his questions. So there's no point in trying to hide it, right? "Uh, I know this is weird to ask but can you do" Roman furrowed his eyebrows, "Your makeup?"

I gulped, "You know what, nevermind, it's not that big of a deal anyways, I-"

"No, no, no, I'll do it, that's okay with me. I just didn't know you did makeup, it's usually just Virgil and Remy, that's all. Uh, c'mere, I have all the stuff in my room already." He led me into his room and began pulling my hair back. "So, uh, what kind of makeup do you want?" I shrug, "I don't know. I just don't like the snake look anymore. It's too intimidating." "Wait, that's makeup? I thought it was your real face." I smirked, "I may be Deceit but I'm not that much of a snake."

He smiled at me and grabbed a makeup remover wipe, cleaning the animal look from my face. "So, I can do anything?" He asked. I playfully rolled my eyes, "Yes, you can do anything, just don't draw a dick on my face." He laughed and I smiled.


"Okay, are you ready to see it?" He asked excitedly. "I'm actually a little scared." I admitted. Just because I'm Deceit, doesn't mean I can't tell the truth completely. He put the mirror in front of my face and- 'Holy cRAp! I actually look good!' I thought. My self deprecating thoughts weren't saying anything, it was like I actually felt good about myself for once.

 My self deprecating thoughts weren't saying anything, it was like I actually felt good about myself for once

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(This is what his makeup looks like. I love Jared btw he has the best makeup)

"So do you like it?" He asked me. I could've been mistaken for Patton because of how much I was smiling in that moment. " it, Roman. It's better than I expected." Roman smiled as he cleaned up, "What, did you really expect me of all people to do some simple eyeliner and foundation? Of course I need to complete the total look."

I smiled as he continued to dramatically rant about how extra he can be. "Roman," I said softly, cutting him off. He stopped and looked to me expectantly, "thank you, you don't know how much this makeup actually helped me." His lips curled into a smile, "You're welcome."


i based this off how i spent halloween with one of my friends. they dressed as deceit and i dressed as roman and they needed me to help them with the makeup and we kinda just blossomed a story from there. hope you enjoyed, buh bye!


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