The Only Person | Logince

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summary: (1) roman is irresponsible with his and logan's money, causing a nasty fight between the two. (2) roman wants logan to hang out with his friends, but logan wants to stay home. a huge fight ensues between the two.

word count: 925

omigosh, idk how to summarize these, BUT i promise, they're not as dull as they sound. and these two are identical endings but different scenarios, completely unrelated dhdjsk

tw/cw// anger, sadness, tears, unsympathetic logan/roman in either one, yelling, that should be it


"I know you hate surprises, but hear me out." Logan could already feel a headache forming as Roman slowly opened the door of their apartment. "Roman, what did you do now?"

Roman raised his hands defensively, "Nothing! But I did want to surprise you. Come on." Logan reluctantly followed his boyfriend into the dark apartment before Roman switched the lights on with an excited grin on his face.

Logan stared in disbelief at the brand new flat-screen TV in the place of their old bulkier TV. "Do you like it? I saw it, and I knew I just had to get it!"

Annoyance built up in Logan's chest. "How were you able to afford a flat-screen TV?" Roman shrugged. "We had some money lying around, even though you said we had none, and I thought I'd do something nice for us."

"We don't have money to spend on leisurely objects. Please tell me you didn't touch the money for our bills." Logan said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well, I don't know; you don't tell me where you keep the money for bills." Logan made his way into the kitchen, looking through their junk drawer. Roman followed before wincing unsympathetically. "Ooh, yeah, I got it from there."

The nerdy man clenched the sides of the drawer before slamming it shut and turning to see Roman's bored expression morph into a shocked one. "I'm in charge of our finances for a reason. If I say there's no money, there's no money."

Sputtering nervously, Roman huffed. "Well, you usually pay the bills by now. I thought we just happened to get extra money somehow."

"I didn't pay the bills because you were supposed to go out to buy envelopes and stamps so we could mail them!" Logan shouted, peeved at Roman's dismissive attitude.

"Look, we purposely pay more on our bills, so it'll roll over, right? Calm down; we won't have to pay as much this month." 'I could actually strangle this man.' Logan thought, fuming by now. "That's not how it works! We pay more so we can get that money back once our lease is up, which isn't for another four months." Logan ran a stressed hand through his hair.

"Okay, look, all we have to do is return the TV; where's the receipt?" Roman looked down guiltily. "About that, I kind of threw it away along with our old TV because I got the TV from a place with a zero return policy."

"I don't believe this. Are you serious?" Roman rolled his eyes. "Why are you treating it like it's a bad thing? I was trying to do something nice for us-"

"No, you were doing something nice for you! You know I don't like big, expensive things like this but you got the TV anyway. God, why are you so stupid?"

Roman flinched back, tears almost immediately forming in his eyes. Logan's demeanor quickly switched from angry to guilty. "Ro, I-"

The hurt boy shook his head as he walked back towards their bedroom. "You were the only person who never called me that." He said with a wavering voice. He stormed into the room, slamming the door shut and breaking down immediately.

Logan squeezed his eyes shut, preventing the tears from escaping. 'You don't deserve to cry; you're a monster. An emotionless monster.'

~~okay so, an alternative scenario with a similar ending bc i'm evil like that >:)~~

"Lo, come on. We have to go in five minutes, and you're still not dressed." Logan fidgeted nervously with his book and looked up at his boyfriend from his spot on their couch. "Roman, I don't think I want to go."

Roman froze and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" The nerd sighed. "It's just that I don't really like that whole scene. It's too much."

The flamboyant boy shook his head. "You've gone out to parties like this one before, and you didn't have a problem then." Logan nodded. "I know, but this one's different. The people there get too overwhelming for me-"

"But you've done all of it before, and you were just fine."

"The lights and the music are too overwhelming for me, Roman."

"Again, you've done it before, no problem," Roman said, becoming more annoyed as the conversation went on.

The introvert sighed. "It's your friends. They don't enjoy my company, and I don't enjoy theirs. I think it'd be better to stay-"

Roman scoffed. "Why don't you like my friends? They're nothing but nice to you."

The other boy bit his lip nervously. "It's just that they're too overwhelming for me, and they never seem to enjoy being around me-"

"Seriously, Lo? Again with the victim mentality?" Logan tried not to let on how hurt he was at the venom in Roman's voice. "Roman, it's not a victim mentality. I don't make friends as easily as you do."

"Well, if you weren't such a freak, maybe people would be okay around you!" Roman shouted exasperatedly, immediately faltering once he saw Logan's expression turn heartbroken. "You were the only person who never called me that." He whispered brokenly before wiping his face, attempting to make himself more cold and reserved. "I apologize for the inconvenience I caused; I'll be out of your way." His voice wavered in a way that Roman knew he was seconds away from an anxiety attack.

"Wait, Lo-" Logan stormed off to his room, slamming the door shut and breaking down immediately. Roman's heart clenched painfully. 'Why did I say that?'


okayy so i got the idea for this based on a sherlock post about watson exploding on sherlock and sherlock getting all sad and reserved like ahhhh also, i keep thinking that i posted already then realize i didn't fhbdjsjs anywho, hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!!


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