...Found | Logince

250 7 3

summary: logan is back to his normal self, now he needs to help roman

word count: 832

part two to lost, i honestly like the first part better but who cares

tw//blood, death, mentions of weapons, fighting, crying, ahh sadness :)


Logan squinted and rapidly blinked to refocus his eyes. As he regained feeling in his body, he noticed an object in his hand, his other hand on someone's shoulder. This person let out a choked sob, more so choking, likely on blood. His heart pumped harder than ever before, 'Who is this person? Where am I? Why am I stabbing them? Why can't I remember anything?'

He gently laid them down onto the ground, hoping to shed more light on their face.

"L-Lo?" The person stuttered out. He gasped, tears clouding his vision quickly as he realized who the voice belonged to.

The last thing Logan could remember was being tortured for who knows how long by Snake. Now, he was kneeling over his fiancé's almost dead body.

"Ro-Roman? W-What's going on? I d-don't-" He looked down to Roman's stomach, he was losing blood every second. "O-Okay, Ro, we need to get you back to the house. We can't take the knife out of you, you'll just bleed out faster, we need- that's so much blood. Okay, um-" Logan carried on rambling, looking for an exit somewhere, anywhere.

Roman couldn't help but stare at Logan's face. Usually so stoic and cool, now he seemed so vulnerable and scared. He was so used to seeing the boy cocky, knowing everything. But he could tell he truly didn't know what would happen right now. The boy lifted Roman's body away from the ground to a standing position. He swung Roman's arm over his shoulders and began walking him to the nearest exit. Thankfully their fight had moved throughout the building meaning they wouldn't have to walk far to his car.

Once they'd escaped, Logan tried to run faster, practically carrying a Roman at this point to make sure they wouldn't be caught and his fiancée wouldn't die.

Roman was on his back in the front seat, resting his head on Logan's thigh as he drove. Roman knew it would take a miracle for him to survive at this point. He was bleeding in so many places and Logan had stabbed him deep, even twisting the knife at one point. So he let himself calm down while staring at the boy he loved. Even in his panic, Roman couldn't get over the fact that he looked so beautiful in the sunset. If he had to die right then and there, he had no complaints.

As the car started moving, the pain in Roman's body began to rush through him once more. Logan glanced down at him and gripped onto his hand tightly. Even though Roman was strong and his grip was unbearable, Logan still held on. He needed to, what if this was the last he'd see of Roman? The last time he felt his hand tighten around his own? So he held on, no matter how much it hurt.

"Logan, can you talk to me? So I can stay awake." Logan nodded and let out a shaky breath, "O-Okay. Um, before I disappeared," He said carefully, "I was at the store and I saw the Disney section, it reminded me of you so I looked through it. There were some stuffed animals and I was going to get you one but I didn't know which one to get." Roman chuckled as he imagined the boy cluelessly looking through the aisles.

"So I asked one of the workers. She told me that since I mentioned that you just loved anything Disney, that I should get this large pack. It had small stuffed animals of the most popular animal characters in Disney. But I saw a Beauty and the Beast mug that quoted the song. P-Personally, I thought it fit you and I very well and..."

Roman smiled up at the boy as he rambled on about the mug. He began feeling numb. He felt like this was just another one of their Sunday drives. They'd drive through the middle of nowhere while talking about nothing in particular. It was routine for Roman to lay on Logan while it was his turn to drive, loving the lecture he'd get in return every time. He could feel himself slipping, 'At least I'm here with Logan. He thought happily.


"Are you sure you don't want me coming with you, Pat?" Patton nodded as he slipped his jacket on. "If something happened to Roman, and something happens to me, we'll need someone here to keep everything safe. Besides, if Logan is okay, he'll need help when he comes back."

A small knock came from the door. Virgil quickly opened the door. A broken Logan stood at the door, eyes red and puffy with tears streaming down. Bruises, cuts, and dried blood littered his skin. "Logan? Where's Roman?" Logan shook his head and fell to his knees sobbing into his hands. Patton dropped to comfort the boy, eyes laced with concern. Virgil's eyes widened, he looked from Logan to Roman's car in the front yard. "I'm sorry." Logan whispered.


aaaaand that's a wrap, folks! hope you enjoyed, love y'all, buh bye!!


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