On Your Mind | Moceit

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summary: janus has a crush on his best friend, and he knows he has to tell him some time

word count: 1204

this one is oh so fluffy, like no angst at all <3 (there's one part that vaguely seems like weird but it's all really fluffy, i got so happy while writing this ToT) also, i'm so tired of clubs and driving like do i have to?? i don't want to anymore skjfhkdsjf ik i said i was gonna post on saturdays but i really like this one so enjoy! :D (also my grammarly isn't working so bear with me)

tw/cw// jan gets a bit of anxiety but that's about it :)) (so much fluff, it's so sweet that I'm getting a toothache omigosh)


Janus laughed at the meme his best friend showed him from his phone before going back to his own. He and his best friend, Patton, were currently on the latter's bed. Janus was sitting criss-cross against the head board while Patton was resting his head on his pillows.

"Hey, Patt?" Patton hummed tiredly. Janus glanced over at him, noticing his eyes drooping heavily. "You know how we were talking about space earlier, right? And you mentioned that each person is their own planet that shines and revolves around someone or something special?" The conscious boy closed his eyes, taking in a shaky breath. He squeezed his hands nervously, "W-Well, you are that...person, for me. I really like you, my whole day brightens just with you in it, I can't imagine a life without you in it. I just needed to say it out loud."

When Janus was met with silence, he looked over at his best friend in concern, now realizing he fell asleep before he even started talking. He smiled down at him with a warm smile, gently combing his hair back and kissing his cheek. "I'll love you forever, Patton Baker." He whispered into his ear before turning off the lights and settling into the bed.


"Jan Jan! Wake up!" Janus woke up rubbing his eyes tiredly as his best friend, Patton, grinned in his face. The sleepy boy's face heated up at how close they were, and as the memory of his dream resurfaced. "Come on, my parents already made breakfast for us!" Janus nodded and got ready for the day, which wasn't too much of a hassle since they were staying at home all day.

Their friend Roman came over during the day to hang out with them while they watched movies and laughed together. Janus loved Roman, he was truly one of his best friends, but he preferred the times spent alone with Patton a lot more over the ones with Patton and Roman.

Roman was now whispering with Patton, leaving Janus to awkwardly watch the movie by himself. "I forgot to get dessert. I need to get that." Janus furrowed his eyebrows at how stunted and over-the-top Roman sounded, almost as if he were acting out a scene for the first time. "Roman, why don't you just sit down? We don't need it." Patton said with a nervous chuckle. "Nope, too late, I'm out the door. Don't miss me too much while I'm gone, ta-ta!"

As the door shut behind the dramatic boy, Janus turned to Patton, who seemed nervous. 'Why is he so nervous all of a sudden?' "Are you okay, Patton?" The jittery boy gulped and bit his lip. "Yeah, it's just-" He sighed and laid his head on Janus's lap, a common position when one of them needed to talk something out or relax. By instinct, Janus began stroking his best friend's hair comfortingly.

"Roman wants me to do something that he thinks is best for me but I don't think it is." 'He better not be forcing him to do something.' Janus thought, tensing slightly. "What does he want you to do?" The conflicted boy thought for a moment before replying, "He wants me to tell someone something I've been thinking about for almost a year now. I know he means well but I'm just scared. What if the person doesn't take what I say well? They might hate me for what I say, I could lose them and I don't want that at all. I know they could react positively but I don't know for sure how they feel, you know?"

Thinking back to his current predicament regarding his feelings towards Patton, Janus nodded slowly. "Yeah, I, uh, understand. You know it's not likely that they'll be upset with you but it's still a possibility, right?" Patton nodded, closing his eyes and focusing on his breath. Once he felt more relaxed, he shook his head and opened his eyes. "I don't know, I don't really want to think about it right now. What about you? Anything on your mind right now?"

Janus thought and shrugged. "Remy asked me out on Friday, that's it." Patton's eyes flicked over to his, trying to decipher his expression. "Really? I didn't know that. What did you say?" "I told him I'd rather be friends, especially since I have feelings for someone else."

Patton sat up on his hands and knees. "Since when? Who is it?" He asked energetically, a stark contrast to his previously relaxed energy, causing Janus to flinch. "U-Um, for a few months now. A-As for who it is, I, um," He paused, glancing at Patton before staring back down at the ground. 'Am I really doing this? Now? Go for it. Just get it over with.' He thought with an internal wince.

"I like...you." He opened his mouth to say something else but he just closed it, anxious thoughts screaming in his head, getting louder as Patton's shocked silence became deafening. "Jan, remember what I told you Roman wanted me to do?" Janus slowly nodded, wondering what that had to do with anything. "Well, to be more specific, he wanted me to tell you that I have feelings for you too."

The anxious boy's shocked eyes shot up to meet Patton's. "Seriously?" Patton giggled and nodded, returning the hug that Janus hurriedly gave him. "What does this make us then?" Patton asked quietly, Janus grinned, burying his head into his shoulder as he mumbled a reply. "Boyfriends, if you want."


It had been two months since Janus and Patton began dating and they couldn't be happier. They decided to take their relationship slow since neither of them were experts in the area. They were hanging out at Patton's house, again, when Roman decided he needed another bowl of cereal. "So no one wants to come with me?" Patton, whose head was in Janus's lap, laughed at Roman's frustration. "You've been here before, Ro. You know your way around my kitchen."

Roman groaned exaggeratedly. "Fine, I'll leave you lovebirds alone, I know when to take a hint." He grumbled to himself as he left the room. Patton and Janus laughed together, the latter stroking the former's hair as he always did. "He's such an angry guy, like a little cat." Patton joked.

The boyfriends made eye contact, smiling warmly at each other. "What's on your mind, Jan?" Janus hummed with a smile. "You. How much I love you." Patton smiled giddily. "I love you too. Probably more than you do." He joked, sticking his tongue out teasingly. The sitting boy tickled his boyfriend's sides and his neck, causing him to squeal for mercy.

As the two calmed down from laughing so much, Janus pulled his lip between his teeth nervously. "I-I'm also thinking about how much I want to...kiss you right now." Patton grinned wider. "What's stopping you?" Janus smiled before leaning down, softly kissing his boyfriend on the lips. Although it was a bit awkward since it was their first kiss and it was slightly sideways, the two couldn't stop blushing and grinning for the rest of the night. The kiss was perfect, and it made the two fall even harder for each other.


ahhhhh i really like this one sdjhfksdkj i based it on a dream of mine and even though i don't want to kiss the person in my dream, i really liked the whole premise and that person (in my dream) was so adorable and flustered so i had to write this fdkshfksdj any who, i hope you all enjoyed this, i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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