Twenty Years | Logicality

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summary: patton has been in love with logan since they were nine years old.

word count: 379

that's it, it's just 20 years worth of patton loving logan :))

tw/cw// none :))


Patton had been in love with Logan since he first met him in fourth grade. Patton was in love with his shaggy yet shiny hair, his bright blue eyes, even the annoyed glare he'd give someone if they dared to interrupt his reading (something Patton did often just to get the boy's attention). They became friends when they kept getting put together since their names were close together in the alphabet, Baker and Barker. 

In middle school, Patton would fantasize that one day Logan would drop the 'r' and officially become Mr. Baker. Before meeting Logan, Patton never thought he was gay. However, the more Patton thought about it, the more he realized that he was, in fact, gay. (His old Twilight posters of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson shirtless were enough evidence.)

Through high school and college (both boys managed to get accepted to the same school), Logan remained Patton's best friend and the love of his life. After their college graduation, Patton worked up the courage to finally tell Logan. It had been raining that day, and Logan looked amazing, as always. Patton had never seen that gaze from Logan before that night, the gaze filled with love and hope. 

They both started dating immediately after, and Patton got to enjoy many more sides of Logan that he'd previously been scared to show the peppy boy.

Knowing Logan for nearly 20 years now, and dating him for eight, made Patton the happiest person alive. Patton sunk to his knee right as Logan turned to him. The happy man opened the small velvet box that he had been carrying around on their date all day. "I've been in love with you from the moment I met you. I love how excited you get when you rant about the things you like, I love when you stare at me and look away when I notice. I love how you read my mind, and I would love to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. So, Logan Barker, will you marry me?"

Patton Baker had been in love with Logan Barker since they were nine years old. As Patton watched Logan walk down the aisle, he knew that somewhere his nine-year-old self was jumping with glee.


domestic logicality makes me very happy :)) i have to write and film a speech today which is kinda stressing me out but i'm hoping that i make it in time :)) anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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