Hair Cut | Logicality

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summary: logan got a new haircut (think sam wichester via season 1 and 2 dhsfdkj) and patton thinks it's the most adorable thing ever

word count: 227

i got a new haircut and at first i didn't like it bc i was scared my parents hated it and were judging me but after a while i've realized how much i love it and i feel so amazing like fjskfjhdlj

tw/cw// nothing really, just a lot of logicality fluff sdhfskdk


Patton was in love. Logan had just gotten a new haircut, a fluffier haircut. Although he had been going for a more age-appropriate haircut, since Roman told him he looked like a middle-aged highschool teacher, the cut just made him look more adorable. Patton hadn't seen Logan look so childish in years; it was refreshing and truly a sight to behold. 

Logan was attempting to scold Patton over his use of incorrect grammar but Patton could only focus on how cute Logan looked with his fluffy locks and confused frown on his face. "Are you even listening to anything I'm saying?" Logan huffed, Patton grinned and shook his head. "Nope, but you're gonna keep telling me anyways." 

Logan rolled his eyes playfully and rested his forehead on Patton's shoulder. "Why can't you take me seriously?" Logan mumbled. "Maybe it's because your haircut makes you too cute, I can't focus on anything you're saying." Logan groaned and ran a hand over his hair. "Don't remind me; first Roman insults my hair for being too dull, then he claims it's too "2003", whatever that means."

Patton smiled softly, running a hand through Logan's hair before kissing the top of his head. "Well, I love your haircut, and I love you. No matter what." Logan buried his face farther into Patton's shoulder out of embarrassment, mumbling out a quiet reply.


this week has just been confusing :D hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, but bye!


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