Pretty Boy | Logicality

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summary: patton is a gay guy that likes his best friend logan, but since logan's trans, he doesn't feel like he deserves to be liked by patton

word count: 402

idk, this is a thing shfkdj also, i'm writing this on unsecure wifi at a uil event T-T the things i do for this book sdkhfkj

tw/cw// internalized transphobia, sad logan and patton


Patton took in a deep breath, his heart pounding rapidly. He was ready to tell his best friend Logan about his crush on him.

Logan was getting back from the restroom and Patton knew it was time.

"Hey Lo, I need to talk to you about something." Logan scanned his friend's expression and nodded softly.

Ignoring how sweet it was that Logan was attempting to read Patton's emotions, the emotional boy attempted to calm himself. "This is something I've been thinking about for a while now and I've decided it's time to tell you that I like you. I don't expect you to like me back, it's okay. I just figured I needed to tell you-"

Logan shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, cutting Patton of and increasing his heartbeat once more. "Patton, you can't like me, that's impossible. You're gay."

It was Patton's turn to be confused, tilting his head slightly. "Yeah...and you're a boy. I like you." He said as if it were obvious.

Sighing in frustration, Logan shook his head again. "No, I'm not. I'm not biologically a boy, I wasn't born a boy, you can't like me."

Patton's heart broke at how Logan talked about himself. He wasn't sure how the trans boy had gone this long believing he wasn't a valid and real boy, just because of his assigned gender at birth.

"Lo...I don't care who you were born as. I love you for who you are. You are a real boy, I know that for a fact. I don't want you to ever, for a second, think that you aren't worthy of love or validation because you're trans. I like you, Logan; that's because you're the most important boy in my life right now."

Staring down at his hands sadly, Logan spoke up, "I like you too, but what if other people think I'm a...girl?" He whispered the last word as if it caused him physical pain.

Patton grabbed his hand and smiled comfortingly at him. "The only people that will be thinking that are the ones that will never matter. You are a boy, and the prettiest boy I've ever seen at that." He joked, emitting a small chuckle from Logan.

"You promise?" Logan asked, his vulnerability hitting an all-time high as he was the most emotional Patton had ever seen him.

Squeezing his hand with another smile, Patton nodded. "I promise."


ahhh, this one's so cute i'm gonna skdhfkjfk i was thinking about this the other day bc i'm nb, ofc, and i want a bf but i wasn't sure if my identity would be invalidated when dating a straight guy or if a guy's sexuality would be invalidated by dating me, it's confusing sdhfskdjf but yeah, reminder that trans, nb, gen fluid, etc. people are included in every sexuality, it's just a matter of that person's attraction. any who, i hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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