Tomorrow | Logince (Supernatural AU)

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summary: logan and roman want to spend their last day together, their last happy day

word count: 274

ik the luci/mike showdown was meant to be between brothers that's why i left it vague here :) again they're NOT brothers :)

tw// mention of fighting, mention of death :))


Tomorrow was the big show down. Logan and Roman were prophesized to have a fight at a designated location. They knew they couldn't get out of it, they knew they'd have to fight no matter what. But they didn't want to think about that right now.

Roman wanted to focus on how Logan's black locks always fell perfectly into place, how he looked so calm in his tired state. He wanted to focus on how his NASA pajamas were always soft against his skin, how they smelled like Logan, berries and detergent mixing together to create his unique scent.

Logan wanted to count all of the freckles that dusted Roman's cheeks. He wanted to count the many golden flecks that appeared in Roman's eyes when the light hit them just right. His light brown hair shimmering seemingly anywhere, matching his dreamy persona. He wanted to relish in the feeling of Roman's hands scrunching his pajamas in his fists, how he combed his hands through the smart boy's hair every now and then.

Tomorrow one would reign victorious, one would have to kill the other, no matter what, the human race would all die off. Tomorrow they'd be separated, tomorrow they'd shed tears, tomorrow they'd die. But they didn't want to think about tomorrow. They wanted to think about right now, here in each other's arms, settling into bed despite it being noon. Tomorrow would be a nightmare but that wasn't today. Right now, they'd focus on each other, remembering their favorite things about the other, studying their habits, their quirks, everything. Tomorrow was another story because today they would be okay, they were okay.

okay i know it's been since august but hear me out, i have a bunch of prompts rn and alot of them could be like sanders sides. so a lot of them are angsty so prepare, okay stay safe love you all buh bye!


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