Any Time | Intrulogical (Testing Trouble Pt. 2)

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summary: logan and remus have a friendship that expands over five years, from fourth grade to freshman year, one in which logan slowly falls for the intelligent trouble maker

word count: 2000

today is my birthday and even though i don't really celebrate, i really like feeling special for a day :p hope you enjoy this, it's super long but i tried :) (this is a part two to testing trouble, the first part is like fourth grade, the second part is seventh, and the last two are freshman year :))

tw/cw// sad remus, mentions of anxiety, some crying, annoying teacher, slightly graphic imagery (logan's mainly just upset with himself skfhskj), and just one curse word :))


"So we're going to assign you all groups based on the results of your practice exam. Remember, there is no smart group or dumb group, we are doing this based off of performance. If you need extra help, that doesn't mean you aren't intelligent, okay?" The teacher began reading the names off of her clipboard. Logan, as he'd expected, had gotten into the level 3 group that would be tutoring the other students.

Logan paid no mind to the other groups, just listening for his name so he could know who he'd be partnered with. "Logan, you'll be with Remus." 'Remus?' It wasn't the most unusual name, Logan had just never heard it before. He looked around the room, trying to desperately find this person whose name was Remus. Finally, Logan's eyes landed on a boy with dirt smeared on his cheeks and bandaids on his face, hands, and legs. 'Remus' was written messily over his name tag, Logan sighed and approached the boy.

"So, I guess I'll be helping you- what are you doing?" Remus ducked behind one of the tables, working on something that Logan couldn't see. Remus glanced at Logan and pulled him down next to him. "Is there something you need help with specifically?" Remus grinned. "Only if you're up for it. Spoiler alert, it isn't math related." Logan huffed, "It'll get me in trouble, won't it?" Remus shrugged. "Not if you hide fast enough."

"What is it?"

Fifteen minutes and a huge mess later, Logan sat slouched in the office chair, face burning red from embarrassment. He didn't regret what he'd done, he just regretted getting caught. He was never a student that got into trouble, hopefully they'd go easy on the punishment.

"Mr. Sanders, Mr. Prince, while your little "prank" was a mess and inappropriate for a school environment, it was harmless. Since you're both good kids and no real damage was done, you're both getting a week's detention, every day during lunch. Now get back to class and please don't make this a habit. Baking soda and vinegar concoctions should be saved for the science fair, there is no place for them during our testing semester, okay?" Logan nodded and quietly thanked the principal, leaving the office with his head down.

"Hey, Logan, right?" Logan glanced to the left, Remus had come running after him. Logan didn't stop walking but he nodded to show he was paying attention. "Look, I'm sorry I got you in trouble. By this point I'm used to it but that doesn't mean you have to be. I'll do anything to make it up to you, even suffer through stupid tutoring that I don't even need." Remus joked with a small smile, Logan stopped walking and turned to face the boy. "Why do you think you don't need tutoring? We were paired for a reason, you don't have to be embarrassed about needing help."

Remus stopped with Logan and sighed, looking down. "I understand the material but when I take the tests I can't focus. I can't think, nothing makes sense, I can barely breathe, I don't even want to exist in those moments." Logan thought to himself. "You might have testing anxiety. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to help you and try out some techniques that might help you with your test taking abilities."

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