My Best Friend's Brother | Royality

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summary: roman has a crush on his best friend's brother, but he always seems to like someone else. roman is tired of being jealous, he wants patton.

word count: 661

i got this idea from clueless :) also THIS BOOK HIT 4K WHAT?! okay i'm thinking i might write an extra part sometime this week maybe thursday :) but tysm, i never thought this book would reach this much but i hope you all enjoy and i promise to keep delivering that sweet tss content for a while :)

tw// logan gives a death threat but that's it :))


The doorbell rang through Logan's house, Logan turned to Roman. "What? It's your house, you answer it." Roman defended. Logan raised an eyebrow, causing Roman to groan and answer the door.

Janus Blair stood there with a smile, "Hey, is Patton-" Roman slammed the door and turned to Logan. "Who was it?" "Some loser." Patton came down the stairs with an excited grin, wearing a khaki pleated skirt, white thigh highs, a blue polo and his grey cardigan tied around his shoulders. "Was that Janus?" Roman stared in awe, admiring his beauty.

The doorbell rang again, snapping Roman from his trance. He opened the door, revealing Janus again. Patton seemed to light up when Janus complimented his outfit, causing Roman to clench his fist. "Patton, keep your phone on, I expect you to be home by 10." Logan stated, approaching the boys with crossed arms. "You better keep him safe, I have an extensive knowledge of security cameras and their blind spots; as well as pressure points that can paralyze and slowly kill someone, make sure he gets back by his curfew."

Patton playfully rolled his eyes. "Come on, Logie. Push it to 12?" He begged, Roman's heart warmed at the face Patton gave. "W-Well, why don't I go to the party with them? I'll keep an eye on Patton, he can come back at 12." Logan thought it over and nodded. "Thank you so much, Roman! Thanks, Lo, I'll be back at 12, I promise!"

Patton and Janus left in the latter's car, Roman getting ready to leave soon after. "Please look after him, he's more reckless than he realizes." Logan said, Roman smiled and got into his car. "Your baby brother's safe in my hands, Lo."


Patton tiredly rested his head on Roman's shoulder, waiting for Janus to return from wherever he was. "Oh, Patton, there's an after party starting soon, wanna come?" Janus suggested, Patton sighed and shook his head. "No, I'm good. It's 11:30 anyways, I gotta get home now." "Oh, right. Come on, I'll drive you." Roman tensed. "Uh, no, it's fine, I'll drive him." The boy raised an eyebrow. "You sure?" Roman nodded, Janus smiled gratefully and ruffled Patton's hair. "Cool, I'll call you tomorrow, kid." Patton giggled and followed Roman to his car.

Roman pulled out of the parking lot and drove to Patton's home in silence. "Roman, can I ask you a question?" The princely boy nodded, concerned by the tone of his voice. "How do you always manage to get boyfriends? It seems like every time I find a guy I like, he's straight, or he's aromantic, or he's already dating someone, or, even worse, he just doesn't like me. Why can't I love someone who loves me back?"

Roman pulled into the driveway of Patton's house, shutting the car off. "Patton, I honestly can't answer that. Anyone would be an idiot not to like you back. I can't tell you why you can't get a boyfriend because if you even looked at me the same way you do with those losers, I'd make sure got the world in return." Patton watched Roman rest his forehead on the steering wheel.

"And the worst part is I know you've only ever seen me as your brother's friend, his friend that comes over every day, his friend that gets jealous every time you have a new crush, his friend that cares more about you than you'll ever know." Patton tugged on Roman's sleeve, Roman lifted his head but didn't dare face the boy.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to say anything-" Patton kissed him on the cheek gently. "If you truly mean what you say, how about a date?" Roman looked at Patton, shocked. "Uh- Er, sure. Tomorrow good?" Patton giggled and nodded before exiting the car, practically skipping to his door step.

"I have a date with Patton." Roman mumbled to himself with a smile. He finally had a date with Patton.


that's it :)) i hope you enjoyed the best friend's brother trope bc i barely tried, it's already september somehow?? that's whack, anywho, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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