Reused | Past Moxiety/Royality

116 1 5

summary: virgil tells his ex's new boyfriend the truth about their relationship

word count: 225

this is based on deja vu by olivia rodrigo and want u back by cher lloyd bc why not kdhfk i'm also sorry about not updating yesterday; it's just been such a hectic and busy month, i hate physically going back to school -_- like i love my friends, but that's about it

tw/cw// some cussing, sadness, sad virgil, sad roman, kinda unsympathetic patton, crying


Virgil watched Roman laugh as Patton wiped the ice cream from the creative side's nose. The anxious side's hands clenched before he stood from his spot on the couch, standing in front of the couple. "Are you gonna tell him?" He seethed with a shaky voice and teary eyes. Patton stared at him nervously. "What are you talking about?"

Virgil's hands shook, but he was too angry and hurt by his ex-boyfriend to care at the moment. "You can't come up with anything original. Everything you do together, that was all us." He turned his attention to Roman, who stared back in shock. "That cup he got for your birthday? That was my gift to him a few years ago. The date you went on last week? I showed him that spot. He's a liar, a cheater, and the laziest asshole I've ever met."

The shaking side was almost sobbing at this point. He stared at Patton but still spoke to Roman. "Get out before it hurts. He's a terrible person; it's all a front, trust me." With that, Virgil stormed to his room, leaving Roman in disgust of the person next to him and Patton in fear of the upcoming conversation.

Roman had never known about the two sides' relationship; neither did he know Patton was reusing everything for Roman. 'I'm so sorry, Virgil.'


this has been quite the month 0-0 i can officially say i prefer online school to in-person school shhfjfj, but i've been doing good, i've just been so busy lately. anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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