Trust Me | Roceit

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summary: janus and roman are engaged police partners. janus wants roman to trust him more in his plans so roman let's him but things go terribly wrong

word count: 1143

almost forgot to upload haha (also edit: eat the rich and the police, acab, stay safe loves :))

tw// mentions of drugs, mentions of guns and blood/injuries, mentions of death, fighting, angst :))


"Roman, you go left. Remy, go right, I'm going around the back, got it? You are not to shoot unless it is self defense. We don't need to waste time with them in the hospital. I'll be in the back to chase them to the front, James is in the front to catch them. Stick to the plan." Janus whispered before breaking for them to head out.

Roman held his gun up and cautiously walked to the left side of the house. He noticed someone through the window so he ducked out of sight. They had a gun aimed at the back door. They knew. Roman couldn't let his fiancé get injured so he fired a warning shot into the window, which ricocheted into the man's arm. Great. Roman thought.

They ran to the front and were promptly arrested. Janus walked from the back of the house to the front yard, glaring at Roman. Yep, he knew he'd get an earful as soon as they got home.


"One thing, Roman, that's all I asked but you couldn't even do that!" Roman slammed the door shut after entering their house, "Sorry if I was concerned about your safety!" Janus scoffed, "What does that have to do with anything?" "They knew, Jan! They knew you were in the back, they had a gun ready and everything!" Janus rolled his eyes. "I have a bulletproof vest for a reason, I was trained for a reason, Roman! You're just upset that you were wrong so now you're making excuses!"

Janus opened the fridge, grabbed a water bottle and rested on the couch. "Fine, I guess you can handle the next situation by yourself then, right?" Janus shrugged; Roman angrily stomped to their bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.

Janus sighed, he knew Roman was only trying to protect him, he was just frustrated. The chief had been getting on him about how reckless he was so he needed to prove he could do things efficiently. Today certainly didn't help his case. He just needed to give Roman the night to cool off. With two stubborn hotheads living under the same roof, this happened a lot. But after the night they would calmly talk it out, work out a compromise, then let it go.


Janus sighed as he pulled up to the location given to him on the monitor. Roman drove in another car this time, waiting after Janus left the station to get his own car. Janus exited his car before heading over to James, who looked pretty much dead from lack of sleep.

"What's going on here, James?" He sighed, "Typical hostage situation. Tyler Brown has been illegally making and selling crystal meth for about 2 years. He kidnaps girls to help him make it and to do...other things. There's four girls in there, we need to either make a deal or we might have to use forced entry." "Okay, you sit this one out, James, I got it."

Janus grabbed the PA mic, "Tyler, this is Officer Blair speaking. We're willing to make a bargain with you. What do you want in place of those girls?" A man, presumably Tyler, hesitantly opened the door. "I-I want to have a-a chat with you." Janus furrowed his eyebrows. "You want to talk to me and you'll let the girls go?" Tyler nodded. Janus looked to James. "Janus, it could be a trap, he could kill you or injure you, he could just use you as another hostage, we don't know what he's capable of."

"Tyler, if I talk to you, will you let the girls go before I go inside?" Tyler seemed to think it over, "Y-Yeah, I can do that." He sighed, "James, this kid is in association with the one woman we've been trying to catch for years. Seems like he's just a scared kid, I'll go in there, talk to him, maybe I can get him to confess some things. It'll be okay. If something happens to me, send back up in." James nodded. "Okay Tyler, I'm going to come in now."

Janus made his way to the door as Roman barely pulled up. "Janus, wait! What are you doing?" Roman asks. "I think this kid might know something about Nagini and her crew. If I talk to him, he might spill something we can use." "You're not seriously going in there, are you?" Janus sighed, "Roman, I know you're worried, I know you care, I love you for that. Just trust me this time, I know what I'm doing. I already told James that if something does happen to me, to send in backup and raid the place. It's okay." Janus squeezed Roman's hand before turning and making his way to the door.

The girls were released one by one and soon Janus was inside.

"Okay what did you want to talk about?" He followed Tyler to the kitchen. "Y-You wanna know about Nagini right? I-I work for her so I can get you information."

Janus nodded with a small smile, "You're doing the right thing, I promise you we can protect you." Tyler frowned, "I can get you information but there's one thing you have to do." Janus furrowed his eyebrows, "What's that?" "Don't scream." A smooth female voice whispered behind him before he felt a needle piercing through his neck. He felt his vision go blurry and his body fall limp.

Roman checked the time once more, "James, it's been 15 minutes, we need to send someone in now." He spoke firmly. James sighed and nodded. Roman grabbed a gun and slowly went inside with four officers following. No one was visible throughout the first floor of the house, he signaled them to search the house for clues or someone. He made his way to the kitchen, his heart stopped when he saw feet, then a full lifeless body on the floor, blood surrounding it. A note lay on top of Tyler's still chest.

'Say bye bye to Officer Blair ;)

~ Nagini'

~~3 years later (big boi time skip :))~~

"Well, well, well, Officer Prince, so nice to see you. Looking for another beating? You know, I really do admire your determination. But unfortunately I'm not in the mood today so I'm through with the cat and mouse games. I'll let my most ruthless deal with you. Drew, get Scales." Roman glared at her before turning to see his new opponent. 3 years of hunting her down. 1 year ago he found out how to better track her. Since then he's been invading her workshops and fighting anyone she throws his way, hoping that one he'll finally get to kill her himself.

"Oh and Prince? You might want to be extra careful with Scales. He doesn't recognize you, but you recognize him." She cackled before walking off somewhere. Roman looked to Scales and froze. "Janus?"


dun dun dun! this will not be accurate in any sense bc idk how police work. this was a lot of fun to write though so i hope you all enjoyed it, i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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