Control | *Slight Spoilers For WTIT*

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summary: someone needs to keep the orange side at bay, but only logan can do it.

word count: 775

the summary's weird but i actually really like this one, i promise fkhskdj this week has been so tiring and lowkey stressful, and i haven't even started school yet ToT the most recent asides was so good like you can tell the new patreon setup has really helped thomas recently bc videos have been coming out more often, and they're higher quality like ahhh and ik the orange side could be his own side that has control over the others but i just like the idea of logan being like the hulk lmaoo don't judge me skdjk

tw/cw// spoilers for wtit if you haven't seen it, ignored logan, unsympathetic everyone skdkjsd, small mention of smoking, angry logan, that should be it :)


'I wasn't finished talking.' Logan thought, slightly annoyed. The other sides were arguing over the most logical approach for Thomas to get out of trouble. He was caught around other kids who were smoking yet, as a teacher saw them, they ran away, and Thomas was blamed. 

Of course, Anxiety, a newly-formed side, and Patton were concerned about how Thomas could be perceived as a snitch if he told the truth about what had happened and who was really at fault, despite the moral implications of lying. But Logan and Deceit were trying to convince them it would be in Thomas's best interest to clear his record and allow those who took the risk to face the consequences of their actions. 

The three sides cut Logan off and kept arguing, but the logical side wasn't too bothered; it was a rare occurrence after all. A wave of anger rushed through Logan, his eyes flashing orange unbeknownst to him. He shook his head, 'They're just worried about Thomas. They didn't mean to; it's okay.' He calmed himself down enough to focus back on the issue, managing to calm the others as well.


High school was interesting, to say the least, but Thomas wasn't done yet; at least in Logan's opinion, he wasn't. College was always the plan, from the moment Thomas first set foot in a classroom.

"He's been going to school for twelve years; he deserves a break, nerd," Roman said through gritted teeth. "It's been fourteen years, and he can take a summer break," Logan argued in a pinched voice, trying to keep calm. "The only way he will truly be successful is if he completes his bachelor's degree or if he is motivated enough, a master's degree."

Patton shook his head. "Thomas doesn't want to go back to school, Lo. Besides, he has plenty of job opportunities at the theatre that don't need a degree." Roman agreed with a nod of his head. "And the internet is boosting people to popularity now; maybe Thomas could be one of them someday."

The two continued discussing different paths for Thomas to take after graduation, oblivious to Logan's clenched fists. His eyes glitched between his usual brown and a dark shade of orange. 


After filming what seemed to be a pilot episode for a new series of Thomas's on Youtube, something Logan still thought to be useless, Anxiety invited Logan to the dark side of the Mindscape, telling him he urgently needed to talk to him.

Once he arrived, Anxiety sat him down on the couch with a worried look, not unsettling Logan as that was his default expression. "Logan, have you noticed anything odd about yourself when you are angry?"

Logan furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not sure. I have noticed my short temper and capacity for frustration in even the simplest of situations, but that's about it. Why?"

"Well, we're kind of like dark sides, right? Me and the others." Logan nodded. "Well, there's another side that is like us, in a way. No one is sure who he is, not even what he looks like. But we know that, somehow, you're...him."

Logan was taken aback. "What do you mean?" Anxiety sighed. "Well, it's like the Hulk." The logical side slowly nodded, barely knowing who that was. "You're still you, but if you get too mad, you could become him and, if you fully give into him, we're not sure if you will ever turn back. I'm fairly sure none of us know what he does or even how to control him, which is why you need to keep him at bay. All we know is he's super powerful, and you cannot get too angry."

The logical side looked down before nodding. "Okay, I' my best to keep myself as calm as possible."


Logan had had enough. Years of being ignored, being treated like a joke, it was all too much now. He vaguely remembered Virgil's warning from years ago.

"You cannot get too angry."

He'd tried; he really did. He forced himself to be as calm as possible in any given situation. But it was almost impossible when the other sides refused to meet him halfway during conflicts.

He tried to calm down, remembering Janus and Remus had recently been plotting something involving Logan losing control. He didn't want to be a pawn in their plan, but as Roman kept pointing fingers and Patton and Virgil overreacted about everything, he threw out all of his rational thoughts the window.

Remus watched from the shadows with a wild grin as Logan snapped, unleashing the orange side. 'It's about time...' He thought mischievously.


okayokayokay, i'm so ready for the finale now; even though it might not happen until this time next year, skhdfkj it's fine; it's fine T-T anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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