I Missed You | Moceit

320 14 2

summary: janus and patton divorced when their sons were young, feeling the responsibility of parenting weighing on them. years later, their sons decide to have both parents together for thanksgiving, planning ways to get their parents back together again.

word count: 2129

yes it's basically the parent trap, you're welcome :) this one is SUPER long, like 2200 words long (i usually write 500-1000 words) just thought this'd be nice since i'm back at school now so enjoy it while it lasts :) (also i'm sorry if you don't celebrate thanksgiving, it's barely even mentioned so you can replace it with another holiday or just a normal family trip)

tw// fighting, divorce, awkward bois, ig that's it :))


"Well what do you want me to do, Patton? I have a responsibility at work, don't forget that I'm making money for us." "Yes, I understand that, Jan, but we just got Virgil, we need to be there for him. This 'party' isn't important." "It's not just a party! This could mean a huge promotion for me, then we can get a bigger house! Isn't that what we wanted?" "Right...Janus, I love you. Marrying you and adopting the boys have been the best moments in my life. But...I don't think this is working anymore."


"Oh, Janus, glad you could make it. I told the boys you might be busy at the office this week, just in case." Patton forced a smile, seven years since they'd last seen each other and they still hadn't resolved their issues. Janus awkwardly ran a hand through his hair. "I, uh, don't work for them anymore. I have my own company, I can take time off whenever I want as long as I still finish the work."

Patton nodded and gestured to his bags. "Should I, uh, help you take those to your room?" Janus agreed and followed his ex-husband to his room. "There's a personal bathroom attached over there so you don't have to go to the shared one upstairs. Don't forget, the boys wanted to go to Disney World tomorrow, make sure you're ready by 10."

Patton made his way to the door, stopping when Janus called him. "Let's try to get along, okay? I know you aren't happy with me being here but the boys wanted it, and I know you've always been a sucker for giving them what they want. Can we just put on smiles for their sake and bear through this? You can go back to hating me after this trip." Patton sighed and turned to the man, "Fine, just for the boys."


Roman eyed his parents in the distance and sighed. "Why are they so awkward?" Virgil asked. "Well, they divorced because they fought, they never faced their problems head on. Of course they're tense around each other, it hasn't been dealt with." Logan stated. Remus grinned and wrapped an arm around his twin, "Well, that's why we invited Dad out here for Thanksgiving, right, Brother? To reunite their former flame!" Roman shoved Remus' arm away from his shoulders. "Yes but they can't know that so be quiet!" He snapped, not that Remus' mood changed.

"Hopefully it'll work." Virgil mumbled quietly.

"So, what do you want to do next, kiddos? We still have about three hours before we have to leave." Roman perked up at a sudden idea. "Why don't we ride on 'It's a Small World'? It'll give us some time to relax." They all agreed and got in line for the iconic ride. Since there weren't many people in line, they were on in no time, Roman shoving his dads in first to ensure they sat together.

The ride started and the passengers watched the scene in awe. "I remember when we first came here, Roman and Remus were just toddlers." Janus said fondly. Patton smiled at the memory. "We couldn't get them to stop crying, then I suggested this ride. They were so entranced by the robots and the songs." "Even after we left, they couldn't stop singing the song. That was the longest week of my life." Both men began laughing quietly with each other. Roman and Remus smiled at them and turned to their brothers with a thumbs up.

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