My Son | Platonic Moceit

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summary: out of logan and patton's four sons, janus is always singled out and alienated by his other brothers and occasionally logan, the only person to ever care for him and show him love is patton.

word count: 356

I'm kinda sorry that i forgot what today was HOWEVER in my defense, thomas came back today and he's so precious that was great but that kinda distracted me, so sorry this was late but hey i still did it on time :))

tw// crying, sad boi janus :)


"Hey, kiddos! I'm home!" Patton greeted his sons. "Never do that again, that business trip was way too long." Virgil told his dad, who laughed in response. "Okay, Virge, I'll try not to go on any more trips." Patton moved to the kitchen and kissed his husband on the cheek with a wide smile. "Um, Patton, can you check on Janus? He's barely come out of his room since you left." Patton frowned, "What's wrong? Have you checked on him? Is he sick?" Logan looked down at his hands. "It may have been caused by the boys again." Patton sighed and nodded before heading to Janus' room.

Patton knocked on the door gently. "Hey, kiddo? Can I come in?" The lock clicked and Patton took it as a sign to enter. He spotted his son curling into himself on his bed, body shaking with sobs. He sighed and sat next to him on the bed, rubbing his back. "I'm really sorry I had to leave, Jan. I know they're rough on you now but just give it time, they'll realize how amazing you are."

Janus sniffled and sat up, "When? They accepted Virgil faster than me, they hate Remus but they still treat him better. When will it be my turn?" Patton pulled him into a hug. "I know it's tough right now. But hey, at least you have me and Thomas!" Janus sniffled and pulled away. "Thomas is moving away next week. I wish you were younger, at least then I'd have someone to talk to at school once Thomas leaves."

Patton frowned, "You can't hang out with your brothers?" Janus shook his head. It's worse than I thought. Patton thought sadly; he and Logan assumed this was how brothers acted, neither of them had siblings so they weren't exactly experts on sibling rivalries. "I'm gonna bake some cookies for you, you stay up here and I'll bring it to you, is that okay, Jan?" Janus nodded and relaxed into his bed. "I love you kiddo, you are my son and nothing will ever change that." Patton gently kissed Janus' forehead before leaving the room.


i'm sorry i was really feeling platonic moceit, even if this did turn out horribly :) i really hope naya rivera is at peace, it hurt so much when i found out she was missing. she gave me hope and courage just by playing a strong latinx lgbt character, in a show that really should've given her more screen time, and that is something i will always cherish, i wish nothing but the best for her friends and family. hope y'all enjoyed this, stay safe, love you, buh bye!


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