Heal Pt. 2 | Background Intrulogical and Roceit

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summary: roman's been waiting for an opportunity like this for years, will he finally be able to fix his mistake?

word count: 910

roman owning up to his mistakes is my fav hc like he's done plenty of stuff in canon, and to see him apologize would be <3 

tw/cw// sadness, mentions of argument, mentions of unsympathetic roman, crying, mentions of past injuries, i promise this has fluff :,)


They all sighed and sat down at one of the outside tables; Patton and Virgil went inside to order drinks while the others were unsure where to start. Logan decided to take the lead. "So, I'm assuming things didn't work out with Jack?" Roman sighed, telling himself it was his fault he was stuck in this uncomfortable situation in the first place. "No, you...were right."

"What you said really hurt, Ro," Remus said carefully, not sure if Roman would react negatively. Roman looked down with a guilty expression. "I'm, um, sorry." He thought back to the late-night conversations with Janus; he'd always tell him how much he wanted to say everything to Logan and Remus. He'd tell him that if he ever got the chance, he'd let everything spill out.

'This is your chance.'

He took a shaky breath as he got more worked up, his voice wavering drastically. "I was wrong about practically everything, and all the things I said were completely uncalled for. I didn't mean any of it, really; I was a dumb kid, I didn't know anything, and I wasn't thinking about anyone except myself. I really miss you guys, and it's getting really painful to watch your lives play out without me in it. I don't want to be in this fight anymore; I'm sorry."

Janus comforted him as he cried into his shoulder. Remus and Logan sat there in shock, not sure what to say. There was a lot of information to process, and it didn't help that Roman was crying, but the most prevalent message was there, I'm sorry.

They shared a look then looked back at Roman. "Okay, here's the deal. We can't forgive you just yet because what you said was bad, Roman." The tearful man nodded in understanding as he wiped his face off, looking like a sad toddler. "But, I promise you, we don't hate you, and we won't cut you out anymore," Remus said softly.

Roman sniffled and looked between the two of them, trying to read their thoughts. "It's okay, love, they're telling the truth," Janus whispered into his ear. Roman's eyes widened slightly before he nodded, wiping his face faster.

Remus smiled softly, watching as Roman and Janus got into a quiet conversation. He had missed his brother, he had wanted to invite him to his engagement party and ask him to be his best man, but he let himself get caught up in what-ifs.

'What if he's still with Jack and he brings him? What if he's turned into someone like Jack? What if you're strangers now? What if he doesn't care for you anymore? What if he still hates you? What if he doesn't want anything to do with you anymore?'

With the stress of wedding planning combined with his fears, he opted out of asking Roman and asked Virgil to be his best man by default, which the anxious man knew of. He was secretly hoping the twins would make up so the honor could be passed back to Roman since Virgil would stress too much. He had even asked Patton about him at the engagement party, trying to make it as casual as possible.

Patton smiled sadly. "He works as a film teacher at a high school up in Virginia; he lives with his boyfriend." Remus furrowed his eyebrows in worry. "Is his boyfriend a good guy? Have you met him? What's he like?" Patton placed a hand on his shoulder. "You need to talk to him." Remus quickly shook his head. "I can't."

Logan grabbed Remus's hand to comfort him, seemingly knowing what he was thinking. "So, you two are dating?" Roman glanced at Janus and nodded, not knowing what else to say. "How long?" He calculated the years in his head, a small smile forming when he remembered their relationship. "Three years, almost four."

"How did you meet?" Remus asked, trying not to let on how much he wanted to interrogate his brother's boyfriend to make sure he was good enough for him. "I was looking for a job and a place to stay, somewhere close to New York. Janus, at the time, was an intern at a local business and was getting coffee when I bumped into him and spilled all the drinks." Janus chuckled fondly at the memory.

"I got some pretty bad burns on my body, but it was worth it to meet you." Roman rolled his eyes as he laughed at how cheesy he sounded. Remus noticed that when Janus would lean over to Roman, some burns would peek through his collar, proving the story that'd been told.

Patton soon came back outside with Virgil, handing out the drinks to each person. Janus and Roman eyed their drinks skeptically as Patton hadn't asked what they'd want, just ordering whatever for them.

"Well, since Janus seems nice enough," Remus started in a joking tone, causing Roman to chuckle in amusement. "Would the two of you want to come to our wedding? And maybe, Roman, you can be my...best man?" The engaged man asked nervously. Roman's leg bounced in excitement as he tried not to loudly squeal at the honor he'd been given. "Of course! A million times, yes!" He exclaimed.

He knew Remus and Logan didn't forgive him yet, but he knew talking it out had healed the wounds from the past. He couldn't be happier to have his two favorite people back in his life again.


shorter than the last one, but whatcha gonna do :p i didn't want to excuse roman's actions, so i tried skdfjsdjf hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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