Sugar Kisses | Logicality

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summary: logan hates sweets, but he loves his sweets-obsessed best friend. he rewards him with sweets after he grows academically, and maybe logan will grow to love sweets as well.

okay so this one is really cute, sorry if i lagged at the end, i just got back from a long trip and i'm so tired ksjfkdjf and i have a ton of work to do like why kdfkjfk (also, i know sour punch bites aren't that sour but they're not entirely sweet but just keep with the theme of the story sdkfjkk)

word count: 703

tw/cw// tired patton, mentions of eating, that's it :))


Logan had never been much of a candy person. He just never felt particularly liked the sweet flavors that swirled in one's mouth and the lingering aftertaste.

His best friend Patton, on the other hand, loved sweets. Specifically sour sweets. Warheads, Sour Flush, Sour Patch Kids, Toxic Waste, you name it. He loved the bitterness that came with extremely sour candy, but his favorite candies were Sour Punch Straws and Sour Punch Bites. The sweet and sour flavors clashed in a way Patton felt was so perfect and tasteful.

Logan knew of Patton's love for the candies, it was rare to see the boy without a bag of Sour Punch candy in his hand. So when Logan spotted the boy idly sitting at his desk with no snack, he couldn't help the feeling that something was off. 

"Good morning, Patton. Is everything alright?" Patton slowly looked up at the nerd and gave a tired smile.

"Yeah, I'm good, Lo. I'm just not doing so great in calculus right now and I tried catching up last night but it's a lot of work." He laughed softly.

Logan frowned and searched through his bag for the Warheads Patton left in there the other week. He pulled the bag out and placed it in front of his best friend. "Well, it looks like we have some work to do."

Patton groaned jokingly and let his head fall into his crossed arms on the desk. "How'd I get so lucky with you, Lo?"

The nerd shrugged playfully and pulled his calculus notebook and laptop. "I'm not sure. Anyone would be lucky to have me by there side yet you managed to get to me first." He said it so monotone that anyone else would've believed he was serious, and probably cocky, but Patton knew he was making a joke in an attempt to cheer up the tired boy, who desperately appreciated the notion.


After tutoring Patton for two weeks straight, when the boy excitedly showed Logan his B+ on his recent test, the nerd took a sigh of relief and allowed pride to fill his chest. As a congratulatory gift, he decided to buy Patton his favorite candy, Sour Punch Bites.

He walked into the classroom and greeted his best friend, as usual. "I have a gift for you, Patton." The bubbly teen perked up immediately at the mention of a gift, causing Logan to chuckle at his adorableness. "Just to congratulate you on your effort and hard work to get such a good grade on you test. I'm very proud of you and bought you these as a treat."

Pulling out the treat, he continued explaining, "I noticed that you haven't had these since you found out you weren't doing well in calculus, so I figured these might boost your spirits some more."

Patton's eyes lit up at the treat, excitedly snatching it from Logan's grasp and pulling a piece from the bag, munching on it happily. "Thank you so much, Logan. You helped me so much, I really couldn't have done this without you. How about I get you a present too? As a thank you for helping me get my grade up." 

Logan blushed at the praise and shook his head. "I don't need anything, I promise. I simply enjoy your company, being around you is fulfillment enough."

Humming in thought, the excitable boy grinned as he scanned Logan, still chewing on the small sugary treats. A blush formed across his chubby, freckle-filled cheeks. "Logan, do me?"

A million thoughts ran through Logan's head, but he only forced out a small, nervous 'yes.'

Patton giggled and leaned forward, pausing in front of Logan, in case he wanted to move away, before gently pressing a kiss to his soft lips.

Patton tasted like Sour Punch Bites.

Patton smelled like artificial fruit.

Patton's presence was sugary and sweet.

As the bubbly boy pulled back, Logan subtly licked his lips, silently wishing for another kiss from the boy he's been crushing on for years. 

Logan normally hated sweets, especially sour ones. However, whenever his boyfriend Patton kissed him after eating any kinds of sweets, Logan relished the flavor and the sweet feeling that came with it.


i'm really tired rn guys kfdskj i want a bf so bad but like yk 🤪 also, i genuinely love sour punch bites, like they're my favs and i will always stand by that skdjkfj i hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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