Thrash & Bash

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  "N-No!" Your scream makes Jae Hwa manage a trembling smile. Despite everything, you try and run to her, try and save her, but strong arms wrap around you and hold you back. "No, no!" you cry as you kick wildly, eyes locked onto Jae as she pulls her hand out of her bloody chest with a wet suctioning sound, her crimson-covered hand shaking.

  "Mi Sun, you can't do anything!" Namjoon desperately yells, holding onto your body tighter as you fight. "I can't let you go!"

  "She...she can't die! She can't die!" you wail, thrashing wildly. "I won't let her!"

   Jin gives you a helpless look as the tears start streaming down your face, your body giving way like deadweight when Jae gives you a tight nod. They're right, you can't stop her. She has enough control left in her mind to kill herself.

  "No!" The hiss from the British man makes you turn your head dully in his direction. He shoves the shocked members holding him down away from him, as if he wasn't trying to resist earlier. "You idiot! What the hell are you doing!?"
  Jae makes a low gurgling sound as blood gushes, her body swaying but her eyes sharp in warning as Burke comes closer.
  "The experiment is temporary," he decides with a sigh. "Come here quietly or else I'll kill them all."
  Jae snarls at him, teeth bared as she stays put. You watch painfully as her eyes twitch randomly, her conciousness losing its war with the zombie in her brain.

  Burke curses under his breath, running a hand through his hair. "Do pardon my language, my friends, but this creature is becoming difficult. I'll just-"

  His words are cut off when Jae Hwa suddenly falls to the floor. "No!" the two of you scream together, pain clashing with anger.

  She convulses on the floor as everyone flinches simultaneously, her body being electrocuted by a ghost.

  Your mind numbs as you watch your friend die; the friend who stuck by you, the friend who loved you. The friend you pushed away.

  The friend you couldn't save.

  Anger fills you, burning your insides as your emotions mash into a senseless ball of pressure. And when there's pressure, there must be release.

  You take out the last knife from your belt and kick sharply behind you. Namjoon immediately lets go, previously unaware of your form tensing. You dash forwards, jaw clenched as you barrel into Burke.

  He falls to the ground with you on top, but he doesn't get winded in the slightest. The male rolls over, squashing you before jabbing his knee straight into your stomach. You bite back a groan as you watch your team rush forwards.

  "No, he's mine," you rasp, making them stop as Burke chuckles lowly.

  "Oh, darling, you're mine."

  You grit your teeth and jab upwards with the knife, slashing at his shoulder. He hisses and pulls your body up only to slam it down onto the ground.

  Waves of dull aches wash over you, the rise and fall shifting your focus. You register a fist coming down to your face and force yourself to turn your head. You grunt and roll out from under him when he pulls his arm back again.

  Burke easily grabs your hair and throws you to the wall, making you gasp as dots of black make way to your vision. This is unbalanced: you're already too weak from the previous moments. You have to find a way to end this before he ends you.

  "You really thought," Burke muses as he pulls you up and shoves you against the wall, "that you could waltz in here and defeat me?"

  Your cheek rubs painfully against the rough surface as you breathe heavily, forcing out a laugh. "Yeah, I did."

  Though you can't see it, you feel his annoyed smirk. He elbows your lower back sharply, pressing your firmly to keep you from arching away.

  "Hah," you pant, biting your lip as he digs his fingers into one of your open wounds.

  "I'll make this slow and fun," he growls before pulling your face back to smash into the wall.

  You brace yourself as his hand shoves you towards the surface, making yourself wait till the last moment. At the final second, you break from his grasp by twisting to the side, the wall grazing over your cheek as your heart pounds.

  You come behind Burke and shove him against the wall, pushing the knife gripped in your hand in front of him.

  Time seems to slow as you force his body towards the wall and into the sharp blade, his breath catching as his flesh slides easily against it. You breathe heavily, eyes wide.

  Burke shudders as you twist the knife, head leaning against the wall as your body cages his. "That was a good one," he rasps, coughing. "But you know what they say: always have the last move."

  A stuttered gasp leaves your parted lips when he forces the knife deeper into himself, the point exiting him to dig into your own stomach.

  The pain you had pushed away now surges, overwhelming your senses and engulfing your mind as you step away and fall to the ground.

☆Hey guys! I'm so sorry for leaving you all on that cliffhanger for so long 😂😂 I swear I didn't mean for it. I was diagnosed with gastritis just after that update and lemme say that 2020's end was not easy for me lol

  I'm feeling a lot better now so I got this up! It's a bit shorter and I'm sorry for that, but watch out: the next chapter might indeed be the last :')

  It's crazy to think of this book coming to an end, so I won't think of that right now hehe. What's also kinda crazy is that it's 2021! Happy New Year my loves 💜💜 I wish you all well during this year and hope you have many more smiles this time around :)

  Thank you for your patience and understanding! I love you all so so much

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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