Answers & Marks

631 27 19

  "If I tell you a joke will you let me live?"

  "Depends on the joke."

  "What do you get when you jingle Santa's balls?"



  "A white Christmas!"

  " deserve to die.

  As you grip the hilt of your knife, Jin puts a firm hand on your shoulder, Taehyung choking behind you.

  "Yes, anyone should die after calling that a 'joke', but you know we can't kill him," he sighs, a frown pulling at his full lips.

  The man looks up with wide eyes, sweat beads appearing on his forehead. "If you aren't killing us, what do you want?"

  "Tch, you're an idiot. Yah, you sure we have the right people, Joon?" Yoongi irritably calls out.

  Namjoon chuckles deeply, turning to the four tied up men who are kneeling in the corner. "Yes. Pull the sleeves up."

  " tied us up. We can't move our hands. Who's the idiot now?" He starts guffawing before Dae-Jung steps on his dark red ankle, the crusty blood moistening as fresh liquid seeps out. He screams, tears springing to his eyes.

  "God, you're so loud. Do you have a microphone stuck in your throat?" Yoongi groans, stepping up and cutting the first man's shirt sleeve with his knife in a sharp motion.

  "I wasn't even talking to you," Namjoon raises an eyebrow at the now whimpering man.

  You examine the three triangles tattooed on the man's arm, the points intersecting. "It's Silver Moon for sure."

  "Perfect. We all know Kwang. Say hello, Kwang," Namjoon smiles down at the man, no light in his eyes.

  He stays silent until Hoseok presses a knife into the flesh of his thigh, beaming. Kwang clenches his teeth as a hint of anger flashes through his eyes. "Hello," he growls.

  Namjoon grins. "Why, hello! And who are these men?"

  "My gang mates. They accompanied me to the Meet."

  "Yes, how very useful they proved to be." Taehyung smirks.

  You let out a tired breath, leaning your back on the dirty brick wall. You breathe in the cold, musty air as you look out into the empty street, peering through the darkness.

  After you, Dae-Jung and Sarah sedated the four, you brought them to a secluded alley in a mostly deserted area downtown. At this hour, you didn't expect anyone to waltz in during your little mission, anyway.

  Raven arrived a couple minutes later, walking instead of driving. The men woke up shortly after since the sedative was quite light.

  You turn your head back to the group and listen in as Namjoon questions Silver Moon. You've been looking forward to getting these answers for a while.

  "Why wasn't David at the Meet? He is the leader of this whole gang, after all."

  A scoff. "Obviously. But he doesn't need his identity revealed, especially with him being a foreigner."

  "We could alert the whole of South Korea in less than ten seconds if we wanted to." You sense the question underlying Namjoon's words.

  "We both know why you won't be doing that. Everything you are hoping to gain will be lost. He will escape, of course. But even before that-"

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