Playing & Pulling

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  "Hurry up, Mimi!"

  "I'm trying!" You keep looking around in your closet, digging through all your clothes to find your favorite piece that seems to have disappeared.

  "What are you doing?" Jimin's voice is nearer this time, and you step out of the closet to see him standing inside your room, looking at you with a raised brow.

  "I can't find my sweatpants," you whine, feeling miserable at the thought of leaving without them. You only have one pair that you absolutely love, it's comfort and softness incomparable.

  He chuckles, eyes turning into little crescents as he looks at you. "Aw, don't worry. You can borrow mine. But we have to hurry a bit, Hyung says he'll be here soon."

  You sigh, nodding in agreement before quickly straightening your closet out, muscles a bit sore.

  You guys had spent the early hours of the day training in the secret base under the stairs, practicing hand-to-hand combat and brushing up on gun skills while Yoongi and Hoseok tracked down Bang Si-hyuk. After some skilled hacking and various connections, they found his last known location to be in the small village of Gosan-ri, in Ulsan, around 4 hours of a drive away.

  You and Namjoon had decided that the eight of you would drive there instead of taking the gang's plane, in order to avoid attention and suspicion, and you'll also be travelling in the evening, under the cover of darkness.

  Your Co-Leader also agreed when you asked if you guys could stay at Elixis HQ for the day, and leave from there in the evening. You have to pick up Thanatos, of course, and also want to spend time back at your first home base.

  "There we go," you mutter, finally done stuffing all your clothes back and pulling out your small suitcase. Everyone was packing for a week's worth, just in case.

  "Finally! You should just move in with us and make it all easier," Jimin says with a wink.

  You laugh dryly. "I like having my own space to escape you from, Midget Oppa."

  "Too bad we're neighbors," he laughs. "Out of all the boys, it's your luck that they picked me to keep watch over you."

  "Because I'm so threatening," you grin, double checking your room to make sure you have everything.

  Jimin gives you a side look, his eyes telling you not to pretend as if you can't take him down right there.

  "I think that's it. I don't really need much," you mumble to yourself before closing your bedroom's lights and door behind you as you step out.

  "Yeah, we all packed light. Not like we can't buy anything when we're there." Jimin jumps onto your couch, spreading to take up all the space.

  You shove him aside and sit down,  humming in agreement. "But isn't Gosan-ri a small village? While we're there we might not be able to."

  "You worry too much," Jimin grumbles, kicking you lightly.

  "When are the guys coming?"

  "Um," he checks his phone. "They should be here any minute, they've already picked up lunch."

  You sigh, flopping sideways onto Jimin as he wheezes dramatically. "It's been so long since I've been here," you gesture around the area.

  "What do you mean? Even while you were with us, you'd come back to get things," Jimin says with furrowed brows.

  "No, that's not what I mean. Like at your house, I now have my own room, which is great, but I haven't really lived here in a while," you explain, looking around the empty, luxurious apartment that you haven't properly used in ages.

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