Pondering & Invitations

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  "Yeah, I know. I'm a stupid, selfish weirdo. Happy now?" You sigh into the phone, your long fingernails tapping the kitchen counter. "But I am better now. I promise. And I'm really, really sorry Jae." You say sincerely.

  It's your best friend's turn to sigh on the other side. "I know, Sunny. But never again, ok? I was worried sick! I stress-baked half a dozen brownies and ate them all, and that's not acceptable!"

  You laugh. "How about you come over tonight? Sleepover...like 9th grade." You grin and know she's doing the same.

  "I'll bring the soju." Her words make you chuckle before the phone clicks off.

  You put your phone down and close your eyes slowly as a tear traces down your face, its pattern intricate and hesitant.

  You're not okay, a voice inside you whispers.

  You have to be. No one needs you being weak right now. Just get over it. Pretend until it's true, you whisper back fiercely.

  You fight with your internal voice until it fades away, its call for you to recognize your hurt gone.

  You exhale heavily. Now that you've explained why you ran out all that time ago to Jae Hwa, she partially understands. You'll fill in the rest for her tonight.

  Right now, you can't focus on yourself. Time to call Dae-Jung. As your phone rings, you hear a door open and close nearby. You decide to check if it's Jimin in a bit.

  "Black Dove?" Dae-Jung's smooth yet raspy voice cuts in your thoughts.

  "Ah, Dae-Jung." You don't use honorifics for any of the Elixis except your br-

  You exhale again, forcing the thoughts out. "I called for three reasons. First of all, what is our progress for Gyeong?" You say his name in distaste.

  "Our trackers have found out the car he escaped with, and took the number plate down. The Honda was recently purchased at a nearby shop that I plan to visit tomorrow. I'll question them regarding who bought it."

  You hum in appreciation. "I'll come with you. Secondly, I made an agreement with another gang."

  "Raven?" You don't miss the doubt lingering on Dae-jung's words.

  "We will be joining the gangs. Temporarily, however. Namjoon Oppa proposed the idea to me and to my brother before me. I feel like the idea is good, so we can expand our sources, people and skills to reach our goal."

  "To take down David." Dae-Jung finishes with no argument.

  "I'll have Elixis be notified on the decision, and we will put it into action right away. Thirdly, how are you? How's everything holding up?"

  Dae-Jung sighs and you hear the hurt through it. "I'll be alright. It's hard, however. Junseo was a brother to me. Gyeong was that cousin no one likes but will always protect. To have them both lost..." he clears his throat. "Elixis is recovering. The idea of a new leader is a big step but I think our work is coming along smoothly."

  "That's good. Take care of yourself." You hurry your goodbyes and put the phone down.

  You walk around your apartment in circles, pondering over all that has happened. Have you really come this far? In the span of almost a year...so much changed. You used to be the girl who didn't want anything to do with her family 'business.' Then, the one afraid to kill. Now you're the woman at the head of the largest and most notorious Mafia gang, who kills with ease, and hides the biggest secrets.

  You're Black Dove. You're Mi Sun. You're a friend, a leader, a daughter. You're you. And you're powerful.

  A thunk comes from the room next door followed by a high pitched yelp, shaking your thoughts away.

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