Concealment & Entrances

698 41 18

  "Thanks again, Mi Sun! I bet I won't get in trouble for playing Minecraft now!" Hoseok chirps happily as he leads you to the living room.

  You chuckle. "It's no problem, Hoseok Oppa. I'm happy to help. And even happier to teach Jungkook a lesson."

  As the smiling man laughs, you try and forget the feelings you were just experiencing.

  And fail- but that's not the point.

  Hoseok sits in the carpet and you sit down on one of the couches next to Jimin. Taehyung sits on Jimin's other side. Both of the boys are concentrated on the screen in front of them, Taehyung's mouth slightly open.

  "I'm leaving soon, guys. Wanna grab something to eat?" You try and get their attention, hoping to get away from anywhere Jungkook may show up.

  Taehyung snaps his head towards you and widens his eyes. "You can't leave!" He says shrilly, totally throwing you off. 

  What the frickety frack? Deep voice and  high voice? God bless his vocal chords-

  "Well, she has to. But that doesn't mean she will." Jimin says slyly as he looks over at you.

  Just then, you hear Jungkook's voice along with Namjoon's coming near. You jump up and think fast. "Uh, Hoseok Oppa! Taehyung, Jimin! Let's go to the kitchen to escape Namjoon Oppa!" Yep, totally not the coconut head approaching.

  Jimin frowns but comes along as you pull his hand. The four of you run into the kitchen and crouch down on the other side of the island.

  As you crane your neck to take a peek, you feel something rest on your shoulder- something sharp.

  You turn your head slightly only to bump half your face into a soft clump of black and violet. "Mmf!" You let out a sound of surprise.

  The object moves and you hear a soft chuckle. You take a look and see Jimin resting his oh-so-sharp jawline on your poor shoulder.

  He looks into your eyes and pouts, his eyebrows furrowing. "Why did you call Namjoon Hyung and Hoseok Hyung 'Oppa?'"

  "Why are you putting a literal knife on my shoulder?" You retort quietly.

  Taehyung coughs.

  "You should call me Oppa too." Jimin purrs into your ear and lets his nose brush the side of your neck. You shiver at the contact.

  Taehyung coughs again.

  You scoff. "As if."

  Jimin retreats a bit and looks at you sharply. "As your elder, I'm telling you to call me with honorifics."

  You smile. "Okay, Ahjussi."

  Taehyung coughs a third time.

  "Cough drop?" Hoseok offers him.

  "Yah!" Jimin scowls and flicks your forehead.

  "Fine." You mime vomiting. "Oppa."

  Jimin smiles before turning around and hitting Taehyung on the head. "What the hell is with your throat?" He whispers fiercely.

  "Nothing, I was just trying to tell you that you sat down in the marinara sauce I spilled here earlier." Taehyung looks at Jimin earnestly.

  "What the-?!" Jimin says out loud and jumps up.

  You laugh at his red-stained jeans, you're eyes taking a photograph- before closing your mouth abruptly.

  Namjoon rounds the corner of the island farthest from you. "Well, I guess Jungkook-ah was right when he said he heard voices."

  You feel a presence behind you and slowly look up.

  Jungkook's face looks back down.

  "O-oh! Well I was actually looking for you, Namjoon Op-"

  "Do I look like Jimin's deflated butt to you?" Namjoon says dryly and Hoseok and Jungkook laugh.

  "Hey! I have a good butt and I- oop!" Jimin slips on the marinara sauce and falls onto you, forcing you flat on the ground.

  You let out a muffled shriek of indignation. You can barely see but you catch sight of Jungkook frowning with distaste on his face.

  Your face is pressed against Jimin's back, his shoulder blades pressing your shoulders down. His definitely good butt is pressing between your legs.

  "Alright, get off her." You hear Taehyung and Jungkook mutter at the same time.

  Jimin chuckles and you squirm underneath him, the vibrations tickling you. He gets up, straightens his shirt and runs his hand through his hair.

  Hoseok helps you up. "Thanks, Oppa." You smile at him before looking at Namjoon in embarrassment.

  "We were playing, I'm sorry if I caused any trouble." You apologize, anxious to not make the newest ally irritated.

  Instead, he laughs. You melt at the sight of his dimples. "Next time, call the rest of us. We like games too."

  "But you're so old, Hyung!" Jimin laughs.

  "He is, but not mentally." A raspy voice comes from your side. You turn to see Yoongi leaning on the island counter.

  "Yah!" Namjoon whines.

  "You both are old!" Taehyung giggles.

  Suddenly, a hand reaches past Yoongi and makes a quick arch, slapping Jimin and Taehyung's cheeks in one go.

  "I heard that! Disrespecting two of your elders?! Did you fry your own brains for breakfast?" A loud voice scolds.

  Yoongi chuckles and tilts his head to the side. "Nice to have you back, Jin Hyung."

  A head pops over Yoongi's shoulder. You try not to faint.

  The man has the staple black-with-violet hair, strands framing his smooth and round face. His full, pink lips are tightened to form a straight line, his perfect eyebrows furrowed together. His wide brown eyes compliment his elegant face.

  But what catches you off guard are those broad shoulders. The width and marvelling length...

  His eyes land on you. "Oh? You heard that? The sound of complete impertinence? Your poor ears." He says sympathetically.

  Your stomach growls in response.

  Everyone looks at you. Oh Lord, how humiliating. I just...get hungry so easily. I can't stand food withdrawl!

  Jimin outright laughs and Jungkook hits the back of his head in response. You go red.

  "Did they not feed you?!" Jin widens his eyes in outrage. "Joon, you idiot! Complete disregard to hospitality." Jin wheels towards to the wide-eyed man.

  "Hyung! I-I gave her breakfast! Toast!" He stammers.

  "It was burnt. And broken in three pieces." Hoseok chuckles.

  Jin grabs Namjoon by one ear fiercely before turning to you with a sweet smile. He lays a hand on your back and gently pushes you towards the dining table. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I should've known this would happen. My name is Jin, Jin Oppa to you. Take a seat and I'll whip you up some kimchi fried rice, hmm?"

  You grin. "Thanks, Jin Oppa." He pats your head in appreciation.

  You turn around and stick out your tongue at Jimin and Taehyung, who are cradling their faces with scowls.

☆Hi! How are you guys?

  The main point of these chapters is to build up a relationship and character for each member in regards to you. This is so we know who they are in the story and what they are like ok ^_^

  Vote, comment and check out Mendedships newest story! It's great!

  -SugaKookies05 ♡

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