Cafe's & Connections

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"Are you sure you're fine? Namjoon can talk later if you don't feel well. I'll make you something to eat, hmm?" Jin says anxiously, his sparkling brown eyes betraying his concern, his full lips pressed into a line.

You give him a peck on his soft, smooth cheek without a second thought. "Thank you, Oppa, but please don't worry. I'm alright!" You smile at the sudden blush spreading across his face.

"I-I yeah. S-sure. Of course." He stutters and sits down in his chair again, slightly dazed. You look at Yoongi in confusion and he just mime gags. You roll your eyes and turn back to Namjoon.

"You were saying?"

Namjoon sighs. "Yes, I was until someone decided to interrupt."

He looks at Jin pointedly who returns a steely stare. "I-I mean, Hyung just was checking on you and I'm totally fine with that. Yep." Namjoon says hastily as Jin grins with satisfaction.

"Anyway, I was just telling you about the intel on BlackPink. Apparently, they're being sponsored, in a way, by David. They will take our title and dethrone us as Seoul's most feared gang, so they hope. Our hope is to catch them before they catch us, and get the information we need from them."

"And as I've said before, whoever gave you this information is lying." You shake your head in disbelief.

"So...I'm a liar?" Namjoon says with a raised eyebrow, perfectly arched.

You are silently scared he'll stab you with its point, but now's not the time for that.

"No, Oppa! But wherever you got that from, it's false. I'm sorry but it i-"

Namjoon cuts off your desperate explanation by raising his hand in a gesture to stop. You clam up and let him speak.

He looms at you with artic bluey-grey eyes, his head titled ever so slightly. "You know this gang." He says finally.

Hoseok looks between you two in confusion.

You sigh. "Yeah. I do. That's why I can 100% assure you that they would never do that. Taking David's side, I mean."

"Why?" Namjoon questions simply.

You look at Yoongi and keep your gaze there as you begin. "Back a while ago, it was one of my first missions. Oppa told me to go undercover at this party in Song Enterprises. The goal was to save the business men from David's men, who were planning to kill the rest, and hopefully bring in a hostage. That's actually where I first met Yoongi Oppa properly."

Yoongi smirks at you and mouths, 'Angel' with a mocking expression. You immediately have a flashback.

"I noticed you seem to like red velvet, so do accept this little token," a well groomed yet slightly raspy and mildly deep voice purrs.

You turn around and put your hand on the slightly larger one already sliding down onto the crook of your elbow.

Shock hits you and emits into your next words as you face the round faced, smirking man as he fixes his fully black hair, his gummy smile amused and mischievous to match his glinting brown eyes. In his hands is a plate with a perfect slice of red velvet cake frosted delicately with smooth cream cheese frosting.


You flush red, embarrassed that he still remembers your little nickname for him.

"Anyway, when Yoongi Oppa and I teamed up to take down David's men, I was fighting one woman...but she wasn't just anyone. She was Rosé, my best friend since forever. Rosé disappeared a while back, when we were 12." You control your overwhelming emotions at the thought of the time when Rosé was gone.

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