Sumptuous & Perplexity

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  You gasp in awe as you gaze upon the sight before you.

  Being the tallest skyscraper in South Korea, the Song Enterprises building is obviously huge but you couldn't help but reel from shock of seeing it in person.

  Ordinary folk aren't allowed anywhere near it, much less the property. You are still pleased yet shocked that Jae Hwa brought you to this amazing place.

  The bright moonlight is caught on the multiple windows of the skyscraper and glanced onto the tall, glass doors awaiting in front of you. The path on which you are walking is surrounded by an enchanting garden with shaped bushes that consist of tiny, shiny leaves.

  A literal red carpet is layed down towards the main doors where two men in tuxedos stand waiting in grace and formality.

  Everything is perfect, from the gold threads peeking through the red carpet, the softly sparkling jewelry on beautiful women and the dashing smiles and glinting watches of passing men.

  Jae comfortably walks towards the doors, greeting familiar faces and extending a jeweled hand occasionally.

  You, on the other hand, are closely inspecting a shrub in the grass next to you.

  As you bend down and hum admiringly towards the delicate spherical shape of the bush, you unknowingly shove the lady walking next to you with your rear end, which is now sticking up proudly in the air.

  Little do you know, the heavily powdered woman throws up her hands in the air as she falls sideways onto the man talking to her. Her hand darts out and grabs his hair to stabilize herself, but she ends up falling heavily down. Red with embarrassment, she looks up and shrieks when she sees her first-handsone partner now bald and wide eyed at the wig clutched in her left hand.

  Everyone around stares at the couple at then at you. Humming in satisfaction, you resume your previous position and continue your walk towards Jae Hwa, who is oblivious to the scene and instead is talking to a huge man.

  A few steps later, you notice people staring at you and whispering but you just frown and shrug. Meh, people are weird these days. Probably my nonexistant popularity. With that thought, you smirk and walk jauntily forwards.

  "Mr. Song, this is my friend I was telling you about. Mi Sun, this is Mr. Song, my boss." Jae explains formally while she ushers you towards the big man.

  "Annyeonghaseyo," you say clearly as you do a 90° bow, wondering if this is the Mr. Song. You are pleasantly surprised when the black haired, happy looking man bows in return.

  "Ah, Miss Mi Sun. I must say, Miss Hwa talks quite a bit about you." He speaks in amusement with a gruff but friendly voice.

  "Well, I would love to stay at chat with you wonderful ladies, but I am needed upstairs. Enjoy the party!" He bows slightly again in goodbye and leaves.

  You turn to Jae with a shocked expression. "How do you personally know Mr. Song?! The multi-billionare businessman who runs this company?"

  She simply smirks and starts walking. "I'm his personal secretary/assistant. Did I forget to mention that? Anyways, I'm going to quickly chat with a friend. Meet me at the pastry table and then I promise we'll spend the evening together!"

  You roll your eyes but shoo her away, when in reality you are secretly dying from pride and happiness inside that she found a friend. Someone actually stands her! Ah, my little recluse is now growing up.

  You decide to take the opportunity and look around. The floor was one huge room with marble walls and a black-tile floor. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling to let out a bright, luminous light that bathes the various food-laden tables located on the far sides of the room. You can see many cuisines and skillfully decorated desserts over the moderate amount of heads.

  Your stomach rumbles as you watch a man bite slowly into a slice of airy, fluffy red velvet cake with creamy and light looking cream cheese frosting. Heavenly.

  Your ear piece vibrates slightly against your ear. You walk towards the closest corner of the room, leaning next to a tall, fake plant with draping foliage. "Oppa?" You breathe as your eyes casually scan the surroundings.

  "We have suspicion that Raven might be here at the party, too. Although the number and motive is not yet confirmed, keep your eyes peeled. I personally feel that they might be targeting the innocents in the meeting room." Junseo's voice comes out slightly crackly, but otherwise clear.

  "Raven could be allies with David," you say slowly after thinking hard. "He could be their supplier and right now some of the Raven are here to ensure the deal goes right and if not, to provide back up for the rest of David's men."

  "Black Dove..."

  The feel of someone's gaze boring into your skull causes you to stiffen slightly before hissing into the ear piece. "Shh...and don't talk until I say your name."

  You step out from behind the plant and start walking towards the nearest group of people. There are around eleven people in the huddle and you assume you'll be able to slide in unnoticed for a bit.

  Just as you are about to reach them, the gentle yet firm pressure of a hand on your shoulder causes you to stop in your tracks with a jerk.

  You feel your heart beat quicken as what seems to be a man's chest ghosts over your back as the hand pulls you softly but commandingly back towards the plant.

  Reluctantly wanting to keep yourself unnoticed, you follow wordlessly and instead maintain a look of calm amusement.

  You still shiver when warm breath brushes over your ear in a caressing manner, plump lips teasingly grazing your ear momentarily, speaking softly yet loud enough for anyone close enough to hear.

  "I noticed you seem to like red velvet, so do accept this little token," a well groomed yet slightly raspy and mildly deep voice purrs.

  You turn around and put your hand on the slightly larger one already sliding down onto the crook of your elbow.

  Shock hits you and emits into your next words as you face the round faced, smirking man as he fixes his fully black hair, his gummy smile amused and mischievous to match his glinting brown eyes. In his hands is a plate with a perfect slice of red velvet cake frosted delicately with smooth cream cheese frosting.


☆First off, thank you thank you THANK YOU for 1k reads!! Omg I can't even express how much it means to me that this story I started off just for fun got this far. Really, I love you all 💜

  Second, AGHHH sorry for updating late. We were travelling and the hustle gets tiring. Thanks for no pressure

  Vote, comment and remember: No one can be you, so be yourself to the max.

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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