Impossibilities & Hesitancy

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Your shocked whisper causes her wild eyes to calm, like a storm coming to an abrupt halt.

"Ray?" The woman whispers, her eyes sparkling and her hold on you loosening.

You pull her lithe body into a firm hug and sob at the sound of her sweet voice saying your long-lost nickname.

Her arms come up around you hesitantly and then desperately. You feel the crack in your heart that never went away start to heal.

"I-I..." Your voice cracks at the sudden realization that she is here.

"Shh... Ray we can do this later. Come on, we have to help your friend." At the last word, her eyebrows wiggle and you can't help but see the 13 year old girl who was your world.

You hug her again before standing up, shaken but resolute to get this mission over with. You see Suga crumple from a blow from behind him and you start running.

You jump on the conference table and leap, using the momentum from your feet pushing off the wood to roll in the air. You tuck your head into your chest, keeping your knees straight and your feet together tightly. Just like how you taught yourself all those years ago.

You uncurl at the last second, your hands straight and clasped to your sides as you point your legs at Suga's attacker's head. You kind of look like Superman flying except with your feet first, and the fact that your hair is totally messed up and your dress is raggedy cut in half.

Your flats (you knew not to wear heels, what a nightmare that would've been) hit the bald man straight on his upturned nose.

You rush to Suga's side on the floor as the man crumples next to you. There is only the woman and one guy left, the first of which Rosé is currently punching.

He groans and you notice his head has an inflamed, swollen bump. He opens his eyes and you see them darkened from pain.

"What the heck just happened? And why is that psycho beating up her own team?" He manages to grumble.

"That guy whacked you on the back of the head with something. I took him down." You gesture towards the unconscious body. "That psycho is my...friend. Rosé. She...switched sides."

You are still confused over why Suga is helping you. Shouldn't he be on the bad side? You're here to make sure David's men don't get away with killing these people. Why is Suga here if it isn't Raven's intentions to sabotage Elixis? Maybe the seven mysterious men have a bone to pick with David.

Or maybe Taehyung was telling the truth, your mind whispers suggestively, referring to Taehyung's claims of Raven being on the 'good' side. You push the thought away, but not quite fully.

You help Suga up, trying to ignore how his arms are around your neck and waist.

Rosé finishes with the woman and she drops to the floor, unconscious. That's when it hit you. Like a brick with Junseo's disappointed frown in the face.

"I saw a man- definitely David's- call someone as soon as he saw me going up here."

"Reinforcements." Rosé's eyes go wide.

"Let's grab these guys. I have a car waiting outside. I'll bring it to the window and-" Suga starts towards the door.

You stand in front of him. "Excuse me? This is my mission. I'll be taking the hostages. You can go back now."

Rosé makes a shooing gesture and Suga shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. And I feel like you might not be standing here talking if I didn't come, genius." He scoffs.

You go red. "We wouldn't know that for sure- I never got the opportunity before you decided to play Prince. Too bad I don't play pretend anymore." You frown exaggeratedly and Rosé goes 'Burn!' before you continue cooly. "I don't know why you helped today, but it wasn't needed- just like you trying to steal the credit now."

"You're so immature. You and your stupid brother. Wait, blind is a better word." Suga snarls.

"Oh I see, you need to look nice when you go back to your friends, hm? Because a freaking plum growing on your head isn't what you had in mind." You sneer back.

You push him out of the way. "Rosé, I'll have a car outside the window in three minutes. Throw the people down one by one." You pause, and finally notice the eleven cowering people. " can go home now. David's a bad guy, just so you know."

Suga looks at you incredulously. "Listen, there was a gang here. Why? We don't know. We were sent by, police departments to provide security. Don't tell anyone. The media shouldn't be informed for your safety." He addresses the people much better than you did.

Suga turns to look at you before finally smirking. "I see what Tae meant." He then looks around the room. "I'll get the last guy. Am I allowed, Your Highness?"

You nod curtly when you realize that one guy got away. Suga did deserve a souvenir, after all.

He runs out with you behind him. When you come to the stairs, he stops.
"This is my stop. See you around, Black Dove."

You stare at him for a second before muttering lowly, "With you behind bars for all you've done, hopefully."

You think you see him give you a sad smile but you aren't sure as he whips around a corner and disappears.

You make your way down the stairs before you realize how you must look. Sure, you have a mask but someone could recognize your dress.

You look out the window and see a huge drop.

You shrug and climb out.

As you fall, you feel exhilaration fill your tired and confused body. You stretch your hands out and grasp a bar sticking out of the wall about a fifth of the way down the length of the building from where you dropped.

Your arms wrench and you gasp from the pain but shrug it off. You have to finish this.

You continue to drop and grasp the bars that probably used to belong to lights. Using the last bar down, you hang and take deep breaths. Looking down, you see a fifteen foot drop.

You then spot a man and his wife walking out. You grin.

"Yah! Look up, you oaf!" You holler before immediately jumping off.

Feeling the wind brush you fleetingly and hearing the sounds of a woman's shriek, you close your eyes and hope.

Half a millisecond later, you fall on something warm, soft and definitely not painful. Thud. "Gah-mmf!"

You give a quick pat on the face of the man you are currently sitting on. He tries to speak again, but your leg is covering his mouth and you make no attempt to move it.

"You're very comfortable, sir."

☆Heyy! I just made macaroons and I'm really proud cuz they turned out really well. I'm actually a really big baker. Anyone else?

So check out the author note for the last chapter because I updated it to something you all will definitely enjoy ;)


-SugaKookies05 ♡

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