Laughs & Tears

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  "I'mma ga ge shom moh dip." You manage to say past your mouth full of tortilla chips. Baekhyun laughs and Jae Hwa stands up. "I'll come with."

  You two walk into your kitchen and you open the pantry to find some salsa.

  "Sorry again." Jae laughs slightly.

  "No, it's fine. It's more fun with them here!" You grin at her. Originally, you invited Jae over for a sleepover, but at the liquor store she bumped into Baekhyun. She invited him to come with, and Chanyeol was there too, so he tagged along.

  "Yeah. Hey, your new friends aren't here yet. Are they coming?"

  "I hope so. Jimin said around 7, so we have half an hour." You find the goods and walk back to the living room.

  "Ah, thanks, love." Chanyeol smiles at you.

  You've already told them why you bolted that day. You made up a story that your father hit his head hard and was in coma. Baekhyun had immediately reassured you that it was perfectly fine for you to leave suddenly for that. Chanyeol had pulled you into a comforting and strong hug.

  You already had pulled Jae Hwa aside previously to tell her that you will make up a story about that day, so she acted shocked and offered her condolences. After a while, you decided to lighten the mood and bring some snacks and games. Right now, everyone is playing Monopoly.

  You smile back at Chanyeol and give him a peck on the cheek. "So, how much money did Jae take from me?" You question with mock anger.

  She protests against it whilst trying to hide two $500 game bills under her. You reach over to yank them out but your doorbell ringing stops you.

  "Oh! That must be them." You hurry towards the door with a slightly protective and suspicious Chanyeol behind you.

  You open the door to Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Jimin smiles sheepishly. "Kook kinda came along when Tae came over. Is it okay for him to be here?"

  You grin. "I don't know...he's underaged so I won't let him drink."

  Jungkook frowns and sticks his tongue out. "Yah! You're the underaged one here, pabo."

  You feel Chanyeol's hand on your shoulder and you notice Jimin's eyes on it, too.

  "Come in, guys. This is Chanyeol. He's a great friend of mine." Jungkook and Jimin slowly nods at your words, seemingly relieved.

  You lead the boys into the living room where Jae Hwa and Baekhyun are setting up the PS4. "Guys," you get their attention. "This is Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. My, er, school friends from way back."

  The three step forward and bow politely, not even blinking at your quick lie. Jungkook gives a bunny grin and the slight awkwardness melts away.

  "Hiya!" Jae and Baekhyun chorus together. Taehyung paints a boxy smile on his face as he sees the PS4 and goes over to play with them.

  "I'll get the movie set up on the other TV." You grab the remote and start browsing. "Any specifics?"

  "Let's watch 50 sha-" Jimin starts but Jungkook interrupts.

  "50 sharks? I don't think that'll be on Netflix, Hyung. It's an old movie." He smoothly says but you hear Taehyung giggle.

  "How about a Dwayne Johnso-" This time, you cut Chanyeol off.

  "Not another one of his, Chani!" You whine and Jimin looks taken aback at your sentence.

  "Ok, ok. Let's just watch Harry Potter." Jae Hwa says.

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