Bodies & Breaking

500 30 3

You grit your teeth, hands white as they clench the steering wheel. You don't care that you're going fast enough to be in the Indy 500, just that he must be wrong.

This can't be true. Things like this can't happen to a person this many times. It's unfair.

Yoongi sits in the seat next to you, the worry in his eyes evident, the frown on his lips mimicking yours. He's the only silent one in the car apart from you, something you are deeply grateful for. The rest of the six anxious boys have stopped firing questions at you but now are whispering amongst themselves.

When you got the call, your mind had gone blank. You felt dazed, as if someone stuffed cotton wool into your head in place of your brain.

You couldn't speak, either. You just could think of one command: get to him. It's not true until you see him.

Namjoon and Taehyung had shaken you and Jungkook looked slightly scared when you hadn't responded. You just ran back to the parking area, everyone racing behind you, your mind repeating a conversation you overheard just an hour ago.

Dae-Jung and Sarah had given you confused and concerned glances but kept quiet, trusting you. You had them take your car back to HQ, jumping into the driver's seat of one of Raven's cars yourself. Yoongi had wordlessly slid into shotgun; the look in his steely, deep eyes kept your mouth shut.

Five seconds later, the other six had crammed into the small car, sitting on each other's laps but refusing to be left behind despite not knowing the destination.

You let out a shaky breath now, clearing your mind. Focus. Focus.

You glance at your phone, scanning the address he texted you. You drive down empty streets, the dark of the night now being breached by a hint of light, the Sun ready to begin it's orchestra of dawn.

The car is hushed when you finally pull into a driveway, the small house in front of you dark apart from one light open on the main floor.

Yoongi turns to you, voice soft and low. "So?"

Your lips tighten as you successfully attempt to conceal their trembling. "You."

Everyone understands. The two of you slip out into the night, the crunching of your feet on gravel the only sound.

From on top of Namjoon's lap, Jin's voice sounds. "We're here for you."

You don't respond but a bit of the heavy weight on your chest is lifted.

He answers on the first knock.

Your stomach drops at the sight of Baekhyun's tear stained face, his eyes puffy and face blotched.

"I-I don't even know w-why..." he cries, fresh tears spurting out of his eyes.

You hug him tightly, your own eyes dark and dry. Seems like this shit never ends. Life,'s all so delicate. So easily taken.

Yoongi quietly observes the man who is wrapped around you, eyebrow twitching ever-so-slightly.

You ease away from Baekhyun. You look directly into your friend's eyes, the one's you've become so familiar with over the past months of swimming lessons and hanging out. "Are you sure?" The whispered words hang desperately in the air, looking for something to grasp onto.


They fall. You swallow hard.

"Let's talk inside...I need to see for myself."
Silently, he leads the two of you to a bedroom, the door wide open and lights off. The window is open, faint moonlight shining in. The body is in the bed, the covers pulled up.

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