Secrets & Opportunities

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  You stretch your arms, eyes half open. Yawning, you reach for your bedside table and take out the allergy pills and pop two in your mouth. You pour some water into a glass from a intricately designed jug, both of which you put on your side table last night, and swallow.

  You open your eyes properly now, the water waking you up. You check the time and sigh when you see what it reads.

  12:36 pm

  Ten hours will have to do, you tell yourself. But you will have a word with Junseo oppa about time. You lazily flip the comforter off yourself and get up. You pad across the room and open the closet and pick out a sports shirt, sports shorts, a nice pullover and sweatpants.

  You take a nice, long shower and treat your hair to a deep conditioning. Drying yourself, you put on the sports clothes underneath the pale pink pullover and grey sweatpants. You had decided to go to the gym since you used to go often in Canada. Your mother had previously told you that she had gotten a membership for you in a place called Chan Gym.

  You go to your kitchen and see a bowl of chilled fruit salad sitting on your counter. It has a sticky note on it. You are confused- who put it here? You read the note.

  I saw how tired you were and decided to save you the hassle in the morning. Don't worry about how I got in- the door was unlocked. I hope you like it


  You hastily go to your door and check. It is unlocked. You internally face palm from your stupidity.

  You wonder who it was. Maybe Jimin...but he made it clear that he woul- couldn't be a friend.

  You brush away the thought and dig in. You realize that it's still slightly cold so whoever it was who gave it came recently.

  The salad is delicious and refreshing. Little strawberries cut in the shape of hearts are scattered here and there. Peaches and bananas also fill the bowl along with other tasty fruits.

  You finish up your breakfast and leave your house after you slip on a pair of sneakers. Making sure you lock the door, you turn around. No one else is in the hallway with you and you feel a little nervous.

  You clear your head and speed walk to the elevator. Once you reach your car, you decide to pick up a bubble tea. You stop at Krazy Kream and get the coconut flavored one. Then, you drive over to Chan Gym following the directions on your GPS.

  You remember to put on your mask for your safety. Just then, you phone rings. You check the caller ID and pick it up.

  "Annyeong, Eomma. Gwenchana?"

  "Mi Sun, nothing is wrong. I just wanted to tell you that the gym I told you about is a private one. So you don't need a mask inside."

  "What? Private? What do you mean?" You are a bit suspicious as to who this gym belongs to.

  "Aish, this girl! I mean that it is a gym for richer people who don't want to mix with the public. So your identity will be safe." You wince before you cock your head to the side.

  "So, the people there will know I'm the Mafia Princ- yah! You idiot! You can't drive like that on this side of the road! A stick can drive better than you, and it's not even alive!" You shout at a man who races past you on a motorbike, driving in the total opposite direction.

You can almost see your mother rolling her eyes. "I can't deal with you and your attitude. Have a good day. Bye," your mother chuckles before she cuts the call. You smile as you pull into the parking lot of the gym.

The building is a beautiful dome, kind of like someone stuck half of a sphere onto the ground. It is white with silver lettering that catches the sun's rays. Standing at the huge doors are two men in black suits.

  It hits you that this place must be a big deal. Naturally, you want to make a good impression.

  You open your door and move to step out when a sleek black car pulls up next to yours.

  Out steps a gorgeous woman. She has a fair, heart shaped face with full, red lips. Her brown, almond shaped eyes are bright and her dirty blond hair is styled in a chic bun. She is wearing an obviously expensive workout suit on her slim, curvy figure.

  You feel like you've seen her previously, but before you can put your finger on it, she turns around and sashays away without sparing you a glance.

  You don't think about the embarrassing dismissal since one thought has ensnared your mind after seeing her beautiful face.

  Damn, I'm ugly.
  You gasp as you enter the building, stepping into the main waiting room. Silvery, elegant, plush couches and armchairs are placed around the huge room. Tables laden with glossy fruits, perfect vegetables and healthy dips are placed here and there.

  The woman from earlier is lounging on an armchair while reading the latest edition of Rosé.

  A polished brown desk sits at the head of the room, with a man sitting behind it. He looks up with a quick glance at you before briskly standing up. You notice that you are just standing there when he ushers you over patiently with a sweeping gesture of his hand.

  Your face flushes before you make your way over to him. You sit on the chair waiting and smile. "My name i-"

  "My apologies, but I know who you are, Miss Mi Sun."
Stunned, you take a look at his face. It is long and slim yet has sharply defined features. His lips are a beautiful red and his eyes a piercing green. He arches a delicate eyebrow at your staring.

  You feel your face heat up but quickly speak. "Oh, I'm sorry but should I know you?"

  He smiles a brilliant smile. "Not at all. I'm Baekhyun."

☆Yasss Baek is hereee. This story originally was supposed to be just bts but lmao here is Baekhyun. And who is the mysterious lady....?
FYI any real life kpop peeps other than bts won't be playing a huge part in the story kk.
Vote comment and have a good day!

-SugaKookies05 ♡

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