Questing & Coincidences

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  Jungkook stands from the carpet and stretches his arms above his head, biceps rippling. His face scrunches up cutely as he lets out a loud sigh.

  He looks down at you and offers his hand shyly, his fingers slightly curling in hesitancy. You smile tiredly and grasp his hand.

  The warmth of his firm hand seeps into your own slender one, the size difference leaving you amazed.

  The two of you begin walking up the wooden stairs in a comfortable silence.

  Comfortable, until you notice two large eyes aimed at you.

  You turn your head and catch Jungkook staring at your bare legs, his brown orbs wide and trained on your glowing, milky smooth legs. He momentarily locks eyes with you before blushing madly and looking down.

  You giggle. "What, never seen legs, Jungkook?" He mumbles something and hurries up before you, literally sprinting down the hallway and shutting the door of his room. An audible groan mixed with a shriek emits from behind the door and you collapse onto a nearby door in a fit of snickers at how damn cute he is.

  The door you are leaning on opens suddenly, leading you to crash on to the ground, your hair splayed everywhere and your shorts riding up slightly.

  A smirking face peers down at you. "Late night visits, hm?"

  "Y-Yoongi O-Op..." you manage to stutter before quickly getting up and adjusting your clothes.

  He tuts. "Oppa. Yoongi Oppa. Honestly no respect these days." He grumbles.

  You just stand there and fidget your feet, not understanding what to do since Jungkook helpfully left you alone. "Yoongi Oppa...I was just leaving-"

  "Were you? Or did we-" Yoongi interrupts smoothly, before his voice gets cut off by the opening of a door.

  Across the dim hall, a frowning Jimin sticks his head out of his door. "What's the matter, Hyung? Why aren't you in your room, Mi Sun? I heard someone fall-" he begins before Yoongi interrupts him.

  "I was helping her to her room, Jiminie, because-"

  You see where this is going and smugly interrupt him. "Because Jungkook left after showing me my room and I just tripped by accident." You don't want the boy to get in trouble, he didn't deserve that.

  Both males eye you wearily, judging your words. "Fine, goodnight." They end up saying simultaneously before closing their doors.

  You make up a plan before one of them decides to check if you are still there or not.

  You make your way to the first door and knock softly. "Hello?" You whisper. You hear soft snores in response and proceed to the next door.

  You hear music playing and deduce that it isn't an empty room. You hastily make your way to the next door in the corridor.

  You knock, and no one answers. "Score!" You whisper to yourself. Just as you open the door, the one next to it opens.

  Namjoon steps out and shakes his head. "That's Taehyung and Jin's room. I presume Jungkook didn't do what I asked?"

  You start covering up for him but Namjoon sighs. "He can be a brat at times. I'll deal with him later. The guest room is that one." Namjoon points across the hall at the one next to Jungkook's.

  You nod, embarrassed, and practically sprint into the room. You let out a breath and turn away from the now closed door. A queen sized bed, dressing table and two plush chairs sit on a light brown carpet. Your drawstring bag sits on the bed.

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