Captors & Escapes

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  "Ha! I got you, Mi Sunnie!" Taehyung yells, alerting the rest of the players. His smile widens as he does a little dance, jiggling you along with him.

  Your mouth drops open, flabbergasted that you got caught. Jin just sighs as his full lips curl up slightly, walking back to his room without giving you two a second glance.

  "You weirdos," he mutters over his shoulder. "And yes, I'll still make the cupcakes," he answers swiftly before the younger has the chance to ask.

  The boy cheers, the sound making his chest vibrate against you.

  You still are in shock, clutching his arms tightly to try and understand what just happened. "But...his room...pillow...wha-"

  Taehyung cuts you off by resting his cheek on top of your head, still trapping you in his huge embrace. "Silly. You really think Joonie Hyung and Yoongi Hyung would ever slip up like that? You underestimated us," he chuckles.

  You exhale slowly, eyes closing as you realize your stupid mistake. It was a trick...and a really obvious one, too. Sometimes you get too wrapped up in the thrill to pay attention to the finer details.

  "Actually, we planned it all! It's only natural that Jin Hyung would scream like that once he saw you, alerting me to wait for you out here. Now we only have to catch Kookie and-"

  "Last stand," you interrupt him, your small smirk slowly growing as you realize you haven't lost yet. "I want my last stand."

  He looks at you with a hint of uneasiness in his burnt umber eyes, gulping at your evil expression. He licks his lips, a shaky laugh escaping him. "No, I think you're goo-"

  You don't give him time to finish, twisting and dropping out of his hold, lashing out with your legs in a swift arc and making him collapse into a heap on the floor with a yelp within three seconds.

  You jump onto him, pinning him down with your weight and keeping him in place with your thighs clenched around his abdomen, knees digging into his ribs. You place your hands heavily on his shoulders and watch him, eyes tracing his cheeks, nose and lips as he pants. That was too easy.

  "Well," he chuckles breathily, sharp eyes watching yours as you stare at him, "you win. Of course."

  "Of course," a new voice joins in from behind you a split second before a sharp blow on your side knocks you off Taehyung, catching you off guard.

  You let out a heavy breath as your back hits the floor next to Tae, muscles sore from the impact. You look up to see Yoongi smirking down at you and you gulp, aware that you're about to be defeated by the two men.

  Unless you somehow manage to get away before Taehyung's thirty seconds are up...

  You try and roll away but Yoongi's foot stomps down alarmingly close to your face, trapping you in place. The male squats down over you, eyes boring into yours as he hovers in place for a couple antagonizing moments before letting himself gracefully drop onto your stomach.

  "Ah!" You groan, pushing his chest feebly. "You'll kill me, you fat old cow!"

  He chuckles, grabbing your wrists delicately and pinning them on the floor next to your head with ease. His butt is nestled into your poor stomach, his weight crushing you.

  He leans forward near your ear, chest against yours as his lips skim the outer shell. "That's not what you really think of me, hm?" He whispers, the smirk evident in his silky voice.

  He leans back and you grit your teeth and snarl at him, trying miserably to punch him. He just watches you with obvious amusement, dark eyes scanning your caged form.

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